Excuse me, why should we vote for you? Five questions to the mayoral candidates of Bergamo

The games are done. After months of electoral campaign – not exactly exciting -, today (Saturday 8 June, from 3pm to 11pm) and tomorrow (9 June, from 7am to 11pm) the citizens of Bergamo will go to the polls to elect the new mayor, or the new mayor , of the city. To collide, Elena Carnevali for the centre-left, Andrea Pezzotta for the center-right e Vittorio Apicella for the 5 Star Movement. We wanted to ask them five questions, the same for everyone. Good luck.

How did the election campaign go?

Elena Carnevali (centre-left)

Carnivals: «It was a beautiful campaign, intense and exciting, which enriched me greatly thanks to the direct relationship with the citizens and with the city, a city that I know deeply and that I had the opportunity to know even more. A campaign that began in October with the study of all the dossiers, which was translated, also with the work of a broad and united coalition, into a concrete and realistic program for Bergamo.”

Pezzotta: «The initial feeling of great enthusiasm, instead of fading, grew by comparing ourselves with the many realities of our territory. I realized the enormous wealth of values ​​of our people. They have been very challenging, intense and stimulating months, because I had the opportunity to come into contact with truly unique and wonderful realities. An absolutely enriching and educational experience.”

Apicella: «My electoral campaign and that of the 5 Star Movement stood out for its extremely positive spirit and ability to actively involve citizens. As is characteristic of our way of doing politics, we have favored an open and direct dialogue with citizens, giving priority to listening to their requests and developing practical and achievable solutions”.

What is the thing or criticism that bothered you the most?

Carnivals: «Criticism is part of the electoral campaign and of democracy. However, I felt offended, as a person from Bergamo and for the people of Bergamo, when the centre-right candidate Andrea Pezzotta defined Bergamo and all the Lombard cities administered by the centre-left as an “anthropological case study”: these are cities governed after democratic elections”.

Pezzotta: «Criticism is part of the political debate. But I find it unacceptable to denigrate your opponent by attributing false statements to him. An example above all: it has been reported several times that I intended to be a part-time mayor. This is a totally false and offensive statement. I have repeatedly highlighted that, if I am elected, I will not fail to dedicate all the time required to the Municipality, morning, afternoon and evening”.

Apicella: «The lack of consideration of the press towards us has been a source of frustration, aggravated by the already existing national prejudice. During public meetings, supporters of the other candidates have often shown an attitude that is not inclined to constructive debate, with opposing sides of ultras fans, hindering a calm and respectful discussion, essential for the democratic life of our community”.

How much did you spend overall on this election campaign?

Andrea Pezzotta (centre-right)

Carnivals: «The final budget is not yet closed, but I can say that we spent much less than the maximum limit set by law».

Pezzotta: «I have always believed that political participation should be accessible to everyone, including on an economic level, which is why I have given myself an absolutely limited spending ceiling. All the expenses incurred will be accounted for at the end of the ongoing electoral campaign and the report will be freely available for consultation.”

Apicella: «The total budget used was around 1,500 euros, decidedly lower than that of the main political parties. We have chosen to dedicate resources to direct contact with voters and clear communication of the program, rather than expensive advertising campaigns. The sums invested by others appear disproportionate for a reality of 120 thousand inhabitants, also considering the strategic importance of the Municipality”.

Why should a citizen vote for her?

Carnivals: «In the last ten years Bergamo has changed and today it has a different pace, that of a more well-kept, lively, dynamic and European city. We don’t want this journey to be interrupted and, in the event of victory, in the coming years we will make Bergamo a city that puts people, social cohesion, quality of life, safety and the need for cutting-edge mobility at the center ».

Pezzotta: «Because I was born and raised in this wonderful city of ours, where I built my family and have always worked. Because I will put all my commitment, my professionalism and competence at the service of citizens. Because I will keep in constant contact with the neighborhoods to have a direct perception of them and solve their problems. Because I am in love with our Bergamo and I would like young people to be able to build their future here.”

Apicella: «I invite citizens to support me because I am carrying out a serious political initiative, oriented towards progress and a tangible improvement in the quality of life in the city. Our political proposal presents itself as a valid alternative, giving voice to those who are often not heard. Our program is the result of an in-depth analysis of local problems and proposes detailed and feasible solutions.”

In your opinion, will there be a run-off?

Vittorio Apicella (5 Star Movement)

Carnivals: «The electors and the voters will decide it, I am ready to win the trust of the majority of people from Bergamo and until the end I am focused on giving my best. However, I ask everyone to go and vote, because voting is the highest exercise of democracy and therefore of freedom.”

Pezzotta: «I think that Bergamo is crying out for a real and concrete change of direction: we absolutely need to change the route. This doesn’t mean throwing away the good things that have been done, but now something else is needed. Our international image has grown, but we have lost sight of what is happening internally: the people, the workers, the families, the students, the vulnerable people I met during the election campaign.”

Apicella: «My intuition suggests that a run-off between the two major parties is a concrete possibility. We at the 5 Star Movement are working to achieve the best possible result, offering a credible alternative to citizens who do not recognize themselves in the proposals of the main candidates. Our presence could prove decisive, significantly influencing the outcome of the election.”

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