Electric mobility plan. Another 32 columns are underway

Electric mobility plan. Another 32 columns are underway
Electric mobility plan. Another 32 columns are underway

The Be Charge company has been awarded the first tranche of installation of new charging columns foreseen by the “Electric Mobility Plan of the Municipality of Lucca”, developed in recent months by the administration, and will therefore provide for the installation and subsequent management of 32 charging stations for electrically powered vehicles, for a total period of ten years. To encourage measures and actions with a view to sustainable mobility, the Municipality of Lucca, on the initiative of the mobility department, has in fact signed a framework agreement with the Consortile Energia Toscana company (Cet Scrl), with the aim of installing columns charging for electric vehicles. The charging stations will be evenly distributed throughout the municipal territory, including the smaller hamlets, according to a precise ratio which provides for at least one charging station for every thousand inhabitants.

New installations are planned, specifically: Piazzale Martiri della Libertà, Via San Marco Parking, San Luca Hospital Parking, Via Consani Parking, Via di Mugnano 755 Antraccoli. New charging points also in Piazza Testa, 291 Arancio, then at the Via Arrighi 207 car park, in Montuolo via Pisana 3700, in Nave Via dei Lippi Bassi and dei Lippi Alti 19, Nozzano Castello.

In addition, the Via di Nozzano car park, in Pontetetto in the Via delle Gardenie car park, in Sant’Angelo in Campo in Traversa I Via S. Angelo 64, in San Cassiano a Vico in Via delle Ville Prima 3123, in San Gemignano di Moriano in the car park Via Volpi 139, in San Lorenzo a Vaccoli in the Via di Vaccoli car park, in San Macario in Piano in the Via delle Gavine 419 car park, in Santa Maria a Colle in the Via della Chiesa XXIV 717 car park, in Santa Maria del Giudice in the Via S. Maria del Giudice 3601. Also in San Vito in the Via Monsignor Enrico Bartoletti 106 car park, in Saltocchio in the Via della Chiesa di Saltocchio car park, in San Vito in Via delle Cornacchie 1103, in Piazza Aldo Moro 185, in Via Piaggia 1103, in the Via car park of the Hospital, in the Piazzale Risorgimento car park, Fiera, via di Vitricaia, in the car park on Viale Luporini 454. And then in four points in the historic centre: in Via San Leonardo 7, Piazzale Verdi 5, Corso Garibaldi ang. Via del Peso, Piazzale San Donato.

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