First names joining the Pescara team

At home in Pescara, the player market is also starting to move, as evidenced by the Mesik-Milani operation with Heracles (700 thousand euros of fixed low, which can be increased through team and player performance bonuses, plus 12.5% ​​of the future resale). The Dolphin, after Piga, has his hands on another player. This is the attacking winger Antonio Cioffi, born in 2002 in his last season in Ancona but owned by Napoli. There is already the green light for the loan, but Pescara would like to snatch the option to buy. The certainty is that Cioffi will be white-blue, the doubt is the formula: it will be a dry loan, a loan with right of redemption, with right of redemption and counter-repayment or a definitive title with 50% of the future resale (as was the case for Plizzari and Merola with Milan and Empoli) in favor of Napoli? Evangelisti remains in the crosshairs but company sources claim that he has not yet been caught: roleplay or truth? To us he appears to be virtually blue-white. Guglielmotti del Lecco is very popular. The player will certainly leave Lombardy because his contract expires. He could wear blue and white especially if Aimo Diana arrived on the bench, having had him at Reggiana and also requested him in vain last summer in Vicenza. The same goes for Kabashi (he already wore the Adriatics shirt in 2013-2014) from Reggiana who has always been liked by the Delfino. However, the 26 appearances collected by the Italian-Albanian midfielder could lead him not to consider the idea of ​​going down to Serie C. The white and blue goal will certainly lose Alessandro Plizzari who will certainly say goodbye. To replace him, the options of Fiorillo’s return from Salernitana remain in place. The goalkeeper would like to get closer to home, but the Granata would like to entrust him with ownership in Serie B. We’ll see. Colombi from Rimini, Vannucchi from Taranto, Saro from Cremonese and Saio from Sampdoria (on loan to Brindisi in the last season) are always liked. With Tesser on the bench, Palermo central defender Ivan Marconi could be of interest for the defense. The experienced defender’s contract expires on June 30th with the Sicilians. The class of ’89 made just ten appearances in the last season. The player is very loyal to the Montebelluna trainer, he worked under him at Cremonese in 2016-2017 which ended with the promotion to the second division of Arvedi’s club. There would have already been some exploratory contact with his entourage. Up front, we would focus on an experienced player to combine with the Juventus player Da Graca (he could arrive on a permanent basis with a percentage of the future resale in favor of the Bianconeri): we go to Claudio Morra, born in 1995 with 19 goals in 35 games in the Rimini shirt, who is the favourite, Jacopo Murano, born in 1990 and scorer of 20 goals in 35 matches in the Picerno shirt (Trapani is strong on him), and Simone Corazza, 11 goals with Cesena but with almost a thousand minutes in total played less than the others two (the striker from ’91, very loyal to Mimmo Toscano, can follow his coach to Catania), up to Giancarlo Malcore (13 goals with Cerignola) and Francesco Galuppini of Mantova (14 goals). To the expert profile would be added that of a young prospect who would fit well into Tesser’s 4-3-1-2, namely Cosimo Da Graca from Juventus Next Gen who has long been liked by Pescara and who this time could also land permanently with high percentage on future resale. Salvatore Burrai is another loyalist of the Tesser coach with whom he shared the Pordenone parenthesis. However, the expert Mantua midfielder will not arrive because he has recently signed a two-year renewal with the Lombardy team after reaching Serie B. Tribuzzi has always been liked by the Dauphin, but he is unlikely to move from Crotone. The former Frosinone player’s salary is important and would be quite expensive even for important Serie C clubs. Furthermore, the Vrennas would probably not let him leave unless faced with a truly substantial financial offer. Marco Armellino from Avellino is another of Tesser’s praetorians who had him in Modena and tried in vain to bring him to Triestina too. The midfielder, although tied to only one more year of contract, will most likely not leave Campania. Pezzella is also certainly on the landing list from D’Agostino’s club and Delli Carri could put him in his sights after having already followed him without success in the summer of 2022. Di Tommaso and Ruggeri from Lazio are also of interest. The same goes for Torino’s Dellavalle. We like Dore from Cremonese, who the Biancazzurri sporting director had already followed in January. Then there is Mattia Tirelli, a striker born in 2002 for Ravenna, who scored 13 goals in his last Serie D season with the Romagna team. According to what was gathered by the editorial staff of, Pescara, Albinoleffe and Rimini would have set their sights on the former Feralpisalò. The ex Micheal Liguori is very unlikely to return. The Padova striker should go to play in Serie B (perhaps at Juve Stabia). For other possible incoming names CLICK HERE


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