Busto, it’s war on pigeons: the mayor signs an ordinance that prohibits feeding them

Busto, it’s war on pigeons: the mayor signs an ordinance that prohibits feeding them
Busto, it’s war on pigeons: the mayor signs an ordinance that prohibits feeding them

BUSTO ARSIZIOStop feeding pigeons. It establishes it an ordinance from the mayor Emanuele Antonelli, issued upon input from ATS Insubria. «Uncontrolled eating contributes to their reproductive capacity and becomes a “call” for birds arriving from outside the city, we read in the document. No more crumbs for pigeons or urban pigeons, therefore: expected fines from 25 to 250 euros for those who “go astray”.

Too many pigeons in the city

The problem detected in the municipal area is that of «increase in hygienic-sanitary problems due to an increase in the population of pigeons or urban pigeons”. The presence of these animals in the city «represents a risk as they are potential carriers of infectious diseases and parasites”, as well as creating “decay and problems of urban decoration due to the soiling of pavements, roads and surfaces and consequently also leads to expensive maintenance, cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation costs”.

The ordinance

«For these reasons, also on the advice of Ats Insubria – we read in a note from Palazzo Gilardoni – the mayor has prepared an ordinance establishing a ban on feeding pigeons on the municipal territory, as uncontrolled feeding contributes to their reproductive capacity and attracts numerous individuals even from peripheral and neighboring areas, which adapt to the urban environment unsuitable for their nesting and lodging. The availability of food also favors the survival of sick and weak individualsleading to a progressive decline not only in the health conditions but also in the state of well-being of the pigeons.”

The fine

Whoever “goes astray” will be «punished with a pecuniary administrative fine of 25 to 250 euros» establishes the ordinance. «Furthermore, owners and condominium managers of buildings in which pigeons are stationed and nest are obliged to provide for the restoration of hygienic-sanitary conditions by carrying out disinfestation of surfaces and structures, the removal and disposal of guano and any carcasses, the removal of pigeons with adoption of strategies that prevent stagnation (for example, close every place useful for nesting pigeons with particular reference to the blind cavities which must be walled up and the small windows and openings in general which give air to the attics which must be closed with robust nets placed as externally as possible)”.

bust arsizio pigeons ordinance – MALPENSA24
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