Copetti takes Pontello’s place – PrimaFriuli

Copetti takes Pontello’s place – PrimaFriuli
Copetti takes Pontello’s place – PrimaFriuli

UDINE – A significant change in management has occurred within PrimaCassa-Credito Cooperativo Fvg. Starting from July 1stSergio Copetti will take on the role of general manager, succeeding Marco Pontello, who has led the institution since January 1, 2018. The announcement marks a new era for the bank that saw the merger of three BCCs and which today effectively serves the entire province of Udine.

A planned generational transition

The president of PrimaCassa, Giuseppe Graffi Brunoro, underlined that this change is the result of a strategy well planned by the Board of Directors. “Ensuring a smooth transition between generations is essential to the sustainability of a company,” commented Brunoro. He further expressed deep gratitude to Pontello for his significant contribution to the success of the institute.

Copetti, an internal choice

The new director, Sergio Copetti, has long-term experience in the cooperative credit sector, having spent 15 months as a Complementary Officer at the Guardia di Finanza before joining Banca di Cividale and subsequently PrimaCassa. His promotion from deputy general manager to general manager is an example of the promote internal skills.

Pontello’s words

Marco Pontello, the outgoing director, reflected on his 35-year career in cooperative credit: “I pass the baton to a colleague who I have learned to respect and whose professional and human skills I appreciate.” Pontello will continue to support cooperative credit through his role in Objective Benessere.

Copetti’s vision for the future

Copetti, welcoming the new role, expressed his awareness of the challenges and responsibilities that the role entails. “I will do my utmost to continue the virtuous path of our Cassa di Credito Cooperativo,” he declared, highlighting the importance of the connection with the territory and local communities.

Rosso, the new deputy director

In parallel with Copetti’s promotion, the Board of Directors appointed Alessandro Rosso as the new deputy general manager. Rosso, who brings with him twenty years of experience in cooperative credit, has been part of PrimaCassa since 2018.

PrimaCassa-Credito Cooperativo Fvg continues to be a pillar for the Udine area, boasting 34 branches, 214 employees and over 15,000 members. With a net worth of 162 million euros and loans of almost one billion euros, the bank is well positioned for a prosperous future.

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