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“She will be the MEP that Reggio deserves”

Giusi Princi’s electoral campaign could only end like this, in his beloved city. Candidate with Forza Italia in the European elections scheduled for this weekend, the Vice President of the Calabria Region held a rally in Reggio Calabria, which ended a few moments ago. Together with her, the entire Italian team was present to support her candidacy.

A packed Piazza Duomo, which warmly welcomed the former head teacher of the Leonardo Da Vinci scientific high school. At his side the President Roberto Occhiuto, the Hon. Matilde Siracusano and the deputy and regional coordinator of Forza Italia Francesco Cannizzaro. With the slogan “Now or Never – The Final Redemption of Calabria Passes through Europe”, Giusi Princi illustrated to the people of Reggio the proposals and visions for the future of Calabria and Europe.

The test of strength of the party founded by Berlusconi begins from the place chosen for the final rally, namely Piazza Duomo, instead of the decidedly more contained Piazza Camagna chosen by the other parties and candidates for the European elections. A courageous choice and rewarded by the affection of the people from Reggio who filled the square.

Siracusano: “Princi an example”

Matilde Siracusano took the floor after the group leader of Forza Italia, Federico Milia, had opened the speeches by recalling Giusi Princi’s commitment as vice president of the Region.

“Giusi Princi is the best expression of Calabria, she is a virtuous example for anyone who represents the institutions, they are perfect conditions for sending her to Europe where the development of the southern regions is also decided. The more Forza Italia matters, the more Italy matters in Europe”, the words of Siracusano with a passage also dedicated to the Nordio bill and the abolition of abuse of office. The parliamentarian from Messina concludes her speech by praising Cannizzaro for his commitment and reserving a joke for Roberto Occhiuto, her companion in everyday life. “He has many defects and a particular character but you are lucky to have him, he is the best president possible”.

Princi ready for the big leap

The protagonist of the event takes the floor and admits to a bit of emotion in speaking in front of her fellow citizens, in a crowded square. Giusi Princi begins his speech by recalling the hesitations in accepting the candidacy.

“At first I was undecided but then I thought if we don’t take the field we can’t complain about who represents us. I found myself in the values ​​of a party that is Forza Italia. I said yes because we must give an opportunity to the many young people of our land, we have lost more than 150 thousand in the last 10 years.

My entry into the field means the desire to bring the governance of the regional model to Europe. I thank Cannizzaro, everyone knows that he is my cousin, he made us discover the value and importance of parliamentarians, and thanks to Occhiuto who made me understand commitment and concreteness”.

The vice president of the Region continues her speech touching on the issues of youth exodus and the birth rate decline, the main problems to be faced for Calabria. She serves a Europe closer to citizens according to Giusi Princi, with the latter highlighting the tourist potential of Reggio and ensuring: “My city will have its own medical faculty”.

After reading a message on hope and addressing the issue of work and investments necessary for Calabria to materialize development, Princi thanks Piazza Duomo: “I’m not a politician, your affection gives me energy.”

Cannizzaro a river in flood

After Giusi Princi, it is the turn of the Hon. Francesco Cannizzaro. The Reggio MP talks about an exciting electoral campaign, before focusing part of his speech on the figure of Occhiuto.

“We have total harmony with him, Occhiuto is a mentor for me. With his teachings, and those of Jole Santelli, I managed to become one of the most active deputies. To Roberto I say thank you for everything you are doing for Reggio and Calabria. This energy that citizens give us is the fuel for achieving results.”

Cannizzaro recalls the main results obtained in recent years, starting from the School of Public Administration established a few months ago on the banks of the Strait and reserves a jab for De Raho. “In recent days people have come to Piazza Camagna, with only 30 people in the audience, who have destroyed the city with judicial aggression”.

The regional coordinator of Forza Italia follows the waves of the heart and inevitably dedicates much of his speech to Reggio Calabria.

“We have obtained funds for the restoration of the districts, the administration has not been implementing them for a year. We will take care of it in a year when we are in charge of the city. The same goes for the Lido Comunale, we managed to obtain 3 million euros, they were not able.”

It’s impossible not to touch on the topic of Ryanair, the flood of tourists thanks to the arrival of the low-cost airline is a medal that Cannizzaro pins on his chest.

“We have shown that we don’t make small talk, I remember a lot of criticism and negative comments. Where are the people and parties of the left today who didn’t believe it? You should be ashamed for not having even issued a press release while you did for the opening of public toilets. Buffoons”, states Cannizzaro succinctly.

The Reggio MP increases the decibels and the enthusiasm, ensuring that the strategy of uniting all of Calabria on the profile of Giusi Princi is the right choice. “The Calabria model is appreciated and we will get many votes in other regions too. Reggio will finally have its MEP with Giusi Princi”, concludes Cannizzaro.

Occhiuto closes and warms up Piazza Duomo

Closing of the event entrusted to the words of Governor Occhiuto. At the beginning, thanks to Cannizzaro for the ‘extraordinary electoral campaign’, Occhiuto said he was sure of the electoral success that Forza Italia will achieve in Calabria up to the predictions.

“Reggio is the capital in Calabria and Italy of Forza Italia. I am sure that on June 10th Reggio will have achieved the best result in Italy. Thank you for this affection and support, I tell you this as deputy national secretary of Forza Italia.”

Occhiuto defines himself as “ambitious”, an adjective used to explain the potential that Reggio must have the courage to grasp.

“When I took office the Rrggio airport was dead. we did a great job to attract Ryanair
At first Eddie Wilson looked at me like I was crazy when I talked to him about Reggio and today he is in love with the city, he went on holiday here a few days ago.

To my friend Cannizzaro I say “Ciccio, where are those now who used to piss us off and didn’t believe we would turn the Tito Minniti into a Ryanair hub?” They didn’t believe it because they are mediocre, that’s the difference between us and them.”

Personal ambition returns when Occhiuto admits that he wants to be remembered in the future as the regional president who has achieved the most for Reggio Calabria, even if humility appears when it is time to recognize that there is still a lot to do to relaunch not a simple region. A region where the ‘Ndrangheta exists but which must not become an alibi according to Occhiuto, but an additional reason to create development and take away land from the claims of organized crime.

“Being Calabrian cannot be a negative brand but a source of pride, we want to show it off by demonstrating what we know how to do and without having a complaining approach. We managed to change the narrative of Calabria”, Occhiuto proudly highlights.

The governor recalls the difficult and courageous choices made in these two years as president of the region, firstly focusing on Cuban doctors and subsequently speaking on the topic of mobility and transport: “From 25 June there will be Uber in Calabria, I have challenged Salvini’s decisions and this is because my only interest is the relaunch of my region even if this sometimes means going against the centre-right allies”.

In conclusion of his speech, Occhiuto focuses on the importance of voting Forza Italia at the polls (“consider it also a vote for the regional government. I need a great result from Forza Italia to be even stronger with the national government”) and greets Piazza Duomo with a double endorsement for the Princi-Cannizzaro couple.

“Giusi Princi is perfect to fill the piece we are missing. Reggio is too important a city to develop, it can be a development engine for Calabria. Reggio deserves a national government representative, think of what Cannizzaro could do for the city as a government representative. When we return to vote for the municipal elections, we will not choose the candidate from outside Reggio next time but with authority”, closes Occhiuto amidst the applause of Piazza Duomo and already launching the next challenge.

The polls for the European elections have not yet opened, but the battle for the post-Falcomatà has already begun in Reggio…


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