Navy Day, full program of initiatives promoted by the Bisceglie Anmi – Live 1993 Bisceglie News

Navy Day, full program of initiatives promoted by the Bisceglie Anmi – Live 1993 Bisceglie News
Navy Day, full program of initiatives promoted by the Bisceglie Anmi – Live 1993 Bisceglie News

On the occasion of the solemn celebration of the Navy, the ANMI Group of Bisceglie – with the collaboration of the “Vittorio Manente” Historical Musical Association and the history of the Navy Band, as well as with the support of the Municipal Administration – organized a series of cultural events with the endorsement of the National Presidency of the ANMI Rome: the rich program includes exhibitions, conferences, concerts and institutional ceremonies that give great honor to the Armed Forces holiday.

It begins on Friday 7 June with the exhibition on the history of the Navy Band, unique in its kind, curated by the association of the same name, together with an interesting exhibition of naval modelling, curated by the ANMI group of Bisceglie, at Palazzo Tupputi, visitable and open to citizens.

Also on 7 June, in the presence of the mayor of Bisceglie Angelantonio Angarano and the highest authorities, a conference will take place on the famous “Premuda Enterprise” of 10 June 1918. After the ritual greetings from the president Pasquale Brescia and the agreed authorities, it is expected the intervention of the historian Michele Fiorentino, expert scholar and author of books, who through a series of historical photos and films will describe the great feat carried out by the Mas and their heroic crews. A journey through history that will also retrace the various phases of the establishment of the Navy Festival, fully described through the screening of films and presentations.

On Saturday 8th the new book by Michele Fiorentino “Le Fanfare Musicali dalla Regia Marina alla Marina Militare” will be presented, already illustrated in preview last February at the Marina Militare. A journey into music with stars conducted through a historical musical metacommunication with the young Maestro Giovanni Carelli, with the depiction of unpublished historical photos and the performance of famous and ancient military musical pieces, performed on the piano by Marco De Marinis.

In the following days, various cultural activities will take place, shared solely to convey to the people of Bisceglie the value and spirit of the Navy: among the most awaited events, on the morning of Monday 10 June, the institutional ceremony at the Monument to the Sailor, while in the evening will hold the “Concert for Peace” at the Politeama Theater by the “Biagio Abbate” Band Complex of the City of Bisceglie directed by maestro Benedetto Grillo.

History, values, ideals and culture: all factors united to be transmitted to the population and to new generations in order to share the importance of the institutions and the noble values ​​transmitted by the Navy.

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