Italy and Portugal face each other in L’Aquila

Italy and Portugal face each other in L’Aquila
Italy and Portugal face each other in L’Aquila

L’AQUILA – Exchange of knowledge, experiences and skills, today, during the second edition of “Cimeira Bilateral”bilateral meeting between National Council of Engineers and the Order of Engineers of Portugalin the headquarters of the Order in the province of L’Aquila.

“Reciprocity is fundamental because it compares our two cultures which are very close but not distant – said the president of the Order of Engineers of L’Aquila Pierluigi DeAmicis – A comparison is always good and hosting this bilateral meeting today here in L’Aquila is an honor for us as L’Aquila people, because it is truly something unique that unfortunately will never happen again. This type of meeting makes us proud above all because it gives us the opportunity to compare ourselves, even overcoming what initially seem like communication difficulties, but with good will we manage to find a common language and talk about engineering, understanding the attitudes, the cultures and also the traditions of the two peoples compared”.

The president of the Order of Engineers of Portugal Fernando Santos he thanked for the hospitality, underlining “the importance of the reciprocity of relations between Italy and Portugal”.

“Engineering – he said – it has no borders and the mutual exchange of activities between Italian and Portuguese engineers must also become free and without barriers. The activities we are implementing between the two orders go precisely in this direction and that is the mutual recognition of the professionalism of engineers to ensure that the profession can be freely practiced between the two countries”.

“Being Latin means speaking the same language – commented the vice-president of the Order Elio Masciovecchio – The Europe that speaks the same language and the one that overlooks the Mediterranean because we have the same problems as the Northern countries”.

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