Expropriation for the bridge over the Strait, requests in Messina and Villa San Giovanni by 600 people

Expropriation for the bridge over the Strait, requests in Messina and Villa San Giovanni by 600 people
Expropriation for the bridge over the Strait, requests in Messina and Villa San Giovanni by 600 people

At 1pm this morning the information phase ended at the expropriation desks set up by the Strait of Messina in the premises made available by the municipal administrations of Messina and Villa San Giovanni.
The activity of the information desks on expropriations began on 8 April, allowing all interested parties to view the documentation relating to the expropriation plan and make any observations.

The initiative, not foreseen by the reference regulatory framework, but strongly desired by the Company in full awareness of the due attention towards the territory for such an important and delicate aspect as expropriations, has given, in the 60 days of activity, the following results : at the Messina desk set up at the Palacultura, 503 people were received; at the premises of the former Magistrate’s Court in Villa San Giovanni, 118 people were received, says the company.

«Over 600 people received at the information desks is a positive result – commented engineer Gioacchino Lucangeli, responsible for the expropriations macrostructure of the Strait of Messina – The objective of informing the subjects interested in the expropriations is a priority. Working in an active and collaborative climate, the most frequent questions mainly concerned four categories: information on the various types of expropriation procedures, such as expropriation, temporary occupation and, in particular, subservience for public services; criteria for determining compensation; timing of the expropriation procedure; punctual observations on the project and construction site. The consultation phase, together with the observations presented, will allow Stretto di Messina to perfect the expropriation documentation, with a profitable optimization of the areas affected by the procedures and consequent reduction of the subjects involved”.

The Strait of Messina reminds you that from Monday 10 June the “Virtual Drawer” will be activated, a tool that can be used on a voluntary basis aimed at dematerialising the exchange of communications between the parties and facilitating access to the documents of the recipients of the expropriation procedures relating to the implementation of the Bridge over the Strait of Messina.

The recipients of the expropriation procedures will be able to express their desire to request their activation and use through a form that will be made available on the Stretto di Messina company website. Also starting from Monday 10 June, to support those who wish to make use of the virtual drawer, an IT help desk service will be active, contactable from Monday to Friday on the toll-free number 800766472 for calls from Italy and on 068758555 for those from abroad. The service is available from Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4.30pm.

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