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Two new Department Directors of the ASL IRCCS Reggio Emilia have been appointed

Two new Department Directors of the ASL IRCCS Reggio Emilia have been appointed
Two new Department Directors of the ASL IRCCS Reggio Emilia have been appointed
Antonia Nini and Ivana Lattuada

The voting operations to identify the three Complex Structure Directors for the appointment of the Department Directors took place on 22 and 23 May 2024. Emergency Urgency and Department Public health. From the votes, the doctor is elected Ivana Lattuada at the head ofEmergency Urgency and the doctor Antonia Nini driving the Public health.

The identification of the Department Directors by the General Director takes place within the three candidates resulting from the preferences expressed by the Department Committee. The General Director can however appoint a Department Director not indicated internally. The appointment of the Department Directors takes place with a resolution of the General Director.

Dr. Nini, a member of the IRCCS Ausl of Reggio Emilia since 1992, equipped with strong interpersonal skills, has gained great experience over the years in the fields of Forensic Medicine and Clinical Risk Management. Since 2021 you have been Director of the complex structure of the same name of the ASL of Reggio.

Doctor Lattuada, a member of the IRCCS Ausl of Reggio Emilia since 1995, has been Director of the Complex Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine Structure since 2023. Accustomed to teamwork, since 2008, when it was established, she has directed the ‘Obi – Short and intensive observation.

“These are two excellent professionals – comments the General Director Cristina Marchesi -. The experience, preparation and organizational skills gained over time will allow them to work well.”

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