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he is the first incoming signing of the red and white market

he is the first incoming signing of the red and white market
he is the first incoming signing of the red and white market

Bari is accelerating on the market and is preparing to make the first incoming signing of its summer session: everything is done for the arrival in red and white of Costantino Favasuli, left-footed full-back born in 2004. Coming off a good season in Serie B with the Ternana jersey, which ended with the bitter relegation after the double playout match against the same Apulians, the young footballer will arrive on the Adriatic coast with the formula of a loan with right of redemption and counter-redemption in favor of Fiorentina, the club that owns his contract and thus wanted to maintain the possibility of having the final say on him. Favasuli will not occupy an over position and will in fact complete the left lane, in which the confirmed Ricci will remain.

But be careful, because the sporting director Magalini has no intention of stopping here; this week should also be the right one to secure the services of two other under 18s from Napoli: defender Obaretin and striker Sgarbi, who have been in the crosshairs for several days and are now ready to be made official with the opening of the summer session. A bit more out of the way, at least for the moment, is the other Neapolitan under 18 Ambrosino for whom there is no shortage of competition. Door chapter: to support Pissardo and Pellegrini in the end should be one between Mirko Pigliacelli and Semuel Pizzignacco, respectively leaving Palermo and Feralpisalò. The first represents a more experienced profile who would come to Bari to be a starter, while the second, born in 2001, is the investment quota for the future; in the background, but less concrete, Leali from Genoa and Semper from Como, while the hypothesis of a return of Micai has lost ground. Finally, the attack, with the search for a top-class striker continuing: negotiations for Pedro Mendes from Ascoli are at a standstill, with the player having many requests and the team from Marche in no hurry to sell him, there is real interest in De Luca from Sampdoria.

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