Cremona Evening – The theme of Desire will be the common thread of the next events of the ‘Philosophers along the Oglio’ exhibition, including lectio magistralis, meetings and philosophical walks along the banks of the river

Cremona Evening – The theme of Desire will be the common thread of the next events of the ‘Philosophers along the Oglio’ exhibition, including lectio magistralis, meetings and philosophical walks along the banks of the river
Cremona Evening – The theme of Desire will be the common thread of the next events of the ‘Philosophers along the Oglio’ exhibition, including lectio magistralis, meetings and philosophical walks along the banks of the river

The Philosophers Festival along the Oglio continues its journey linked to the theme ‘Desire’ with new events scattered in some of the most evocative villages of the province of Brescia. The next two lectio magistralis, with free admission with reservations recommended, will begin at 9.00 pm

Monday 10 June the great Talmudist and psychoanalyst of Jewish origin Haim Baharier he will be a guest of Roncadelle where, in the Cono Ottico park, he will discuss “THE ETHICS OF DESIRE. How much desire, how much drive?” to argue about how similar desires are to words in becoming a source of argument and violence, to the extent that within each of us desire is latent and only waiting to be aroused. The difference between desire and drive, according to the great philosopher, is abysmal, although too often we are unable to distinguish it, and can be compared to the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil, in which desire and drive are confused, without yet being able to understand what and how much maturity is necessary to taste that fruit.

Subsequently, Thursday 13 Junein the courtyard of Palazzo Martinengo in Collebeato (BS), Andrea Tagliapietra will talk about “Desire in the mirror. The desire to desire” to understand what remains of desire beyond the discourses that everywhere and in different ways make up its plot. “Isn’t desire – states the philosopher – the symbol par excellence, the discursive act that configures and links human behavior and events, the text, the play of signs that connects, in the complex form of a story, the desiring with the desired? The desire understood here does not move, but stands still: it is neither a desire for possession nor a determined focus on an object”.

Saturday 15 June instead the cycle of philosophical walks will begin “The maieutics of things”, a project through which we intend to promote the feeling of re-appropriation of one’s sensoriality, the “sacral” value of places and things. It is a real “trekking” of thought, a journey in the name of a maieutics of things – as if they were speaking to us, putting us in a condition of listening and religious silence – setting out to discover the Oglio river.

The first appointment is, in two different shifts (at 10:00 and 16:00) along a suggestive itinerary on foot from the Castle of Villagana (BS) to the Morti di San Peder, in the company of the guards of the Oglio Park and the ornithologist Mario Caffi to discover the local flora and fauna, in an open-air museum that will open onto glimpses of uncontaminated nature and rare beauty. The final destination will be the setting for a poetic reading of the paesologist Franco Arminio of songs from his recent release “Give way to the trees”.

For the walk a contribution of €15.00 is required with reservations that can be made on the official website

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