AVERSA IN THE ELECTIONS. It is Zanninian culture (?) that leads the surprising Francesco Sagliocco to believe that he could have lodged a complaint with the police, the CC and the PS for more than 20 electoral cards. Marilena Natale’s initiative and her raid on the Municipality

AVERSA IN THE ELECTIONS. It is Zanninian culture (?) that leads the surprising Francesco Sagliocco to believe that he could have lodged a complaint with the police, the CC and the PS for more than 20 electoral cards. Marilena Natale’s initiative and her raid on the Municipality
AVERSA IN THE ELECTIONS. It is Zanninian culture (?) that leads the surprising Francesco Sagliocco to believe that he could have lodged a complaint with the police, the CC and the PS for more than 20 electoral cards. Marilena Natale’s initiative and her raid on the Municipality

We have divided the action decided by the journalist, now a consultant to the parliamentary anti-mafia commission, who went to the police yesterday into two parts. It is completely clear that what the disarming Sagliocco jr intended to do was illegal. But two other candidates were also wandering around the municipality, until the head of the electoral office had to put up a sign. In our opinion it is no coincidence that these shortcuts, these aumm aumm little operations, come out of the outposts of the power exercised by the regional councilor of Mondragone in this province. In this regard, we explain to you and will explain why and also why no mayoral candidate supported by him will, eventually, be a real mayor in office.

AVERSA (days) The colleague Marilena Natalein light of the many revelations that you have made clear to the undersigned in recent days, has accepted the invitation, formulated by Casertace, to be video-interviewed.

He talked about many things, especially the elections in Casal di Principe. But he faced, dedicating a segment of the thirty minutes of intense conversation that you will be able to see in the next few hours in our newspaper, a series of facts that would have occurred in Aversa, during an electoral campaign in which, unfortunately, the vote exchange, the vote bought for 50, 100 euros,

it still represents an important element, among the main ones in the formation of consensus and consequently in the constitution of powers, destined to assume the most significant and prestigious positions.

During the aforementioned video interview, Natale, new consultant to the Anti-Mafia Commission, also declared that she had submitted a complaint to the Carabinieri on some suspicious situations to say the least which would have had as protagonists elements of that purulent magma of small and large interests, more or less consolidated, gathered around the regional councillor Giovanni Zannini.

You see, ours is not a slogan. Someone tells us, in recent days, that the use of the figure of Zannini as the star of many municipal elections, in relation to which he appears not only as a tutor of the candidates for mayor, but as mayor himself.

The appeals to vote that he formulates go beyond orthodox support for a political-administrative project.

He marks and demarcates the borders and lets everyone understand that the true mayor of Capodrise, rather than of Aversa, of Casal di Principe, of Castel Volturno, of Macerata Campania, of Formicola, of Rocchetta e Croce and other municipalities, will be him, because, read carefully the post published a few weeks ago, Zannini does not say “we support”, therefore applying a classic category of politics understood as the ability to put together a community of intent that gathers around a leader. Zannini says “I support”, wanting, in this way, to mark and demarcate a direct and, as such, conditioning relationship between himself and the person who will be the mayor elected thanks to him. These are things that we have been writing for years now, developing a consideration on the authoritarian and autocratic idea that Zannini has of politics or presumed such, with respect to which the movement, the party, the association represent only platonic pieces of support. Simplifying the discussion, just to show. It would be easy, therefore, to resort only to this manifest and manifest action of his thought to classify, to list a series of candidates for mayor in these elections, as puppets in his hands.

But this would still be a questionable matter. Not very questionable, in our opinion, very questionable, however, and understandably so, from a supporter of the Mondragonese politician. And then we must, as we love to do, present a concrete demonstration that has to do with the dynamics of the relationship between the different bodies operating in a Municipality, in order to rationally demonstrate that those candidates for mayor, the subject of the edict that Zannini has entrusted to social media a couple of weeks ago, they will only be extras, whose survival on the scene will depend, at all times, on the decisions that the regional councilor takes, in the manner of the Roman emperors who raised or lowered their thumb at the end of a gladiator fight.


But this will be the subject of another article, which we will probably publish in the evening. Now, let’s focus, anticipating the video interview that we will publish shortly, on the complaint presented by my colleague Marilena Natale, this time in the role of consultant to the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission.

The one who writes about Francesco Saglioccoformer councilor and candidate in the municipal elections in support of Giovanni Zannini, it doesn’t surprise us. And do you know why?

Background: one morning, we were accompanied by our ears to the elevator his father Luciano, who came to the editorial office to be a braggart and to threaten the undersigned for having made advances – let alone a little – to Federica Turco.

That moment of tension, which was witnessed by several witnesses, was also the result of a series of articles in which we compared what Luciano Sagliocco was doing with the political style, for goodness sake, certainly not that of an ancient boarder, of the late brother Giuseppe Sagliocco.

Peppino was a friend of mine and he was so because he was a person of rare intelligence, rare delicacy and rare kindness. As they say, a political animal. Everything that Luciano Sagliocco did, in submission – because that’s the right word – to someone like Giovanni Zannini would have made (we said it, we say it and we will say it again) turn Peppino in his grave.

We will say it again, strengthened by the fraternal relationship with him built in the last year of his life, when I had the honor of being consolation and support – he said I knew how to find the right words – with respect to a destiny that he knew as well as he already did. marked.

And this as far as Luciano is concerned. But his son Francesco is something else. What he does is so disconcerting that you are unable to make out of his gestures a solid disapproval, a solemn anger, a movement of annoyance in the construction of an invective. Therefore, we are not surprised, as we were saying, that in the last few days, as Marilena Natale writes, he has attempted to file a report on his own for the loss of over 20 voter ID cards.

But damn boy, the report is a personal act and this means that a report filed because you believe you have witnessed a murder is exactly like a report filed for the loss of your identity card, your health card, an ATM. or, as in this case, a voter card.

You can represent another person in the act of reporting in the very rare cases in which on the one hand this person expresses the desire to report something, on the other hand he is not able, for reasons of force majeure, to physically go to the place where , through the structures of the judicial police, this particular institution of criminal law is applied.

The emblematic case concerns the person who has been recognized as a minority, in accordance with Law 104 and who, physically, cannot move. Here the friendly Sagliocco wanted to present 20 complaints, or just one, in “circular hug” style Concetta Mobili, another person of rare intelligence who left us many years ago. And in any case, you don’t need a jurist, given that even a two-year-old child understands that you can’t go to a police office to report the loss of 20 voter ID cards.

Because there is no formal denunciation of Serie A, Serie B or Serie C. There is a denunciation and that’s it.

And one cannot help but inspire tender sympathy, as Francesco Sagliocco did, who first went to the traffic police, where his funny request was rejected, but then – who knows why – also went to the carabinieri barracks, where he also he was politely shown the door and, again, I am not satisfied, even at the police station, perhaps believing that the distinction between the traffic police, the carabinieri and the PS also resulted in a different idea of ​​the regulations in force.

We tell him with affection: a idiot.

Subsequently, according to what Natale writes in her complaint, Sagliocco had to work for a quarter of an hour in his life, convincing the twenty or more people who, we believe, will have to vote for him in the elections, to go in the flesh to file the loss report.

After that, not happy, he took the mappatella of stamped and signed sheets and he alone went to the town hall, invading the spaces of the Electoral Office.

Marilena Natale had not yet arrived on site and, therefore, in her complaint she cannot establish whether and how many electoral cards were delivered to Sagliocco junior.

But yesterday morning there was a lot of traffic in those parts. When the consultant from the Anti-Mafia Commission arrived with her escort, she met two other candidates, naturally from Zannini’s lists, namely Massimo Palazzo and Francesco Di Palma.

They too were headed to the Electoral Office to carry out, again according to Natale’s reconstruction, the same operation carried out by Francesco Sagliocco. And here the complaint develops and displays other rules, equally in force in the specific matter, which appeared in a dutiful sign posted at the end of the carousel by the officials of the Aversa electoral office.

If the two, we add, had nothing to hide, they would not have tried to hastily walk away at the sight of the journalist. Palazzo disappeared, while Marilena Natale explained to Di Palma, who had initially pretended not to know her, that reports of her loss must be presented by the person who actually lost the card.

As we said, it was Natale’s noisy but very useful intervention that led the manager to cut the corner and post a very clear notice attached to the office door:

“We inform you that electoral cards can be collected by registered voters or by proxy from close relatives, spouse, parent or companions of non-ambulatory citizens. It is absolutely forbidden for presenting candidates or other subjects involved in the administrative elections to remain in the electoral office or in the corridors near the office”.

Side note. The mega investigation that led to the arrest, on 6 December 2011, of over 100 people in Casal di Principe, called The prince and the (card) ballerinabegan precisely, with the DDA’s focus on movements on electoral certificates very similar to those described by Marilena Natale in her complaint.

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