Cremona Sera – Amico Osvy: on Sunday the first presentation in Cingia de’ Botti of a book that will leave its mark

Cremona Sera – Amico Osvy: on Sunday the first presentation in Cingia de’ Botti of a book that will leave its mark
Cremona Sera – Amico Osvy: on Sunday the first presentation in Cingia de’ Botti of a book that will leave its mark

The first official presentation of the book “Friend Osvy written by the pen of Andrea Sozziprinted by Fantigrafica and framed by an author’s cover created by Alessandra Belloni. A day that will see the intervention of the journalist Lucilla Granata who will talk to the guests and provide musical entertainment Carlo Cudéga and the Leon del Dòm. An event already sold out, organized on the occasion of the celebrations of the fifth year of birth of the association. And it is precisely to continue to make the teachings of Osvaldo Marcotti, Osvy for friends, and his positive spirit to face life that the Friends of Osvy, with the support of his family, decided to found this group. Osvaldo suffered from muscular atrophy, became an engineer and passed away at the age of forty, but along the way he left an important school of life to those who knew him; despite the difficulties caused by the illness, nothing was impossible for him, he said: why can’t I do it?! Precisely for these reasons the extraordinary group decided to leave a written testimony of Osvaldo’s life to overcome the space/time barriers.

The idea came from Michele Arcari, Osvy’s high school classmate, and the whole group immediately liked it. We wanted there to be a book that told the story of Osvaldo’s life from kindergarten, through his studies, until he reached adulthood – He tells us Luca Rivaroli President of AMO – it was a humanly difficult job, we retraced part of our lives, we had to go through memories, dig into our past but, at the same time, it was nice to see each photo again. We are very satisfied with the final result, we believe that Andrea Sozzi’s pen succeeded in the project, in these pages there is Osvaldo, there is his life path, he talks about his love life, a beautiful book for those who have known, an important message for those who find themselves facing life’s difficulties.”

The human experience is infinite, fascinating, shocking, overwhelming, every life deserves to be lived to the fullest and, often, the most attentive observers have the fortune and pleasure of recognizing a talent in their closest friend, in their classmate. , this is the beauty: no one is the same as the other. I believe this could be the essence contained in the pages of Amico Osvy, written with extraordinary sensitivity by Andrea Sozzi, a journalist and teacher from Cremona. “I had never met Osvaldo, I had heard about him from mutual acquaintances, I immediately became fond of the project, an external gaze was needed to describe Osvy and I felt honored that this very gaze could be mine. In these two years I have met many of his friends, I had the opportunity to meet mother Tina, brother Marco, I tiptoed into Osvaldo’s world it was extraordinary, touching – points out Andrea Sozzi author of the book – it was a research work, a life journey, an emotional and philosophical journey even within myself, a period in which I asked myself many questions. I had access to Osvy’s private diary, it was suggestive, I inserted some parts in the book and in this way, I often found myself having a sort of imaginary dialogue with Osvy, I found myself comparing myself, I wrote a story that it wrote itself. The energy and spirit of this group is extraordinary, I became part of the life of the group of friends and family as if we had always known each other, for me it represents an existential experience. You will read the story of a friend and through the life of this friend I hope that every reader can be filled with hope. Even among Osvy’s private pages I read about difficult moments, about outbursts but he had a great gift: the ability to love. His illness deprived him of many things but he managed to convey love to others, his friends were his angels. Osvy gave us a strong testimony”.

Osvaldo’s life was certainly not one without obstacles to overcome but, despite his disability, he demonstrated that he had the strength and courage not to let himself be discouraged. Disability was not a taboo for him. I think I shouldn’t use rhetoric to testify to the tenacity of his path, he certainly wouldn’t have appreciated it. Those who, like myself, had the pleasure of knowing him, knew well that frankness and no-nonsense language were part of his essence.

“Osvy was an extraordinary person, we feel so close to him despite his physical absence that we thought of this way to remember him, to continue to keep his message alive – explains Michele Arcari friend and author of the book’s introduction – I hope that book can leave something tangible that lasts over time, he had the ability to make you feel special, a message that we wish to spread in schools, a voice of hope for children too, a lesson in not letting oneself be discouraged by difficulties but facing the life, day by day, with determination”.

Andrea Sozzi has written a true life novel, pages that tell the story of a boy with his inner movements, with his victories, with his weaknesses, a boy, a friend for those who knew him, who left a great teaching: the desire to lead one’s existence by overcoming all the difficulties dictated by one’s condition and the surrounding environment. He taught the strength to live, not to survive.

“A novel that represents such a powerful and sensational journey in its current evolution that we cannot imagine anything deeper and more intense; where the beauty of being together and having fun emerges in all its strength” words of Claudio Ardigòliterary critic and author of the book’s preface.

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