”These places of degradation are the failure of the left” Current affairs

”These places of degradation are the failure of the left” Current affairs
”These places of degradation are the failure of the left” Current affairs

Annalisa Arletti and the Carpi centre-right choose to close their electoral campaign (a final toast is scheduled for Thursday evening in a bar in Piazza Martiri) with a tour of the city’s decay. The guest of this special trip to the less edifying areas of the city of Pio as well as the rest of the province is the Undersecretary of the Interior Wanda Ferro who, accompanied by the senator and regional coordinator of Fratelli d’Italia Michele Barcaiuoloby the city secretary of Meloni’s party Federica Carletti and by the mayoral candidate Arletti, visited the well-known contexts of via Lago di Bolsena and the Biscione of via UnioneSoviet in Carpi.


«We are here because in Carpi there was a real criminal organization that made gangmastering a paradigm – said Barcaiuolo -. Between Castelfranco, Modena and Carpi, Ferro did not expect to see such widespread degradation even in residential areas.”

Under the scent of the lime trees that still surround the Biscione and the curious gaze of some elderly man of clear foreign origins sitting on a bench, Undersecretary Ferro explains how «this is a less electoral visit than one might think but to see with my own eyes situations of degradation in reality in which productivity could be combined with integration and safety. But I didn’t see either of them – says Ferro –. Coming from the south, I leave a region of great culture and work saddened. We need disdain and courage to start again, and not the fake welcome of the left that stops at the platform. This is an extraordinary region that we all look at with pride and which has hosted many good people from the south – admits Ferro, speaking of a territory historically administered by the center left –. But we must guarantee security to our citizens and to them (immigrants, ed) integration, with the rules and without shortcuts”.


While an elderly lady peers at the unusual group from the window, a boy passes by on his bike in front of the walled garage doors. The Biscione is certainly not a model of civilization, but the remedies do not seem simple. For Arletti, those proposed by the current Administration are not the right ones: «A redevelopment and regeneration intervention is planned here but it will be a failure. All we will do is create a more beautiful container but with the same problems”, says the mayoral candidate of Fratelli d’Italia. Which, pressed on possible solutions, she explains: «We must act upstream and not downstream so as not to create other ghetto areas like this, when you spend public millions you create a precedent. This is why it is important to act upstream with tools made available by the Government such as the Caivano Decree. The Biscione project is a failure because it does not solve the problem in depth and the degradation will return in a few years when the same people and the same situations return to renovated apartments. This is why control, supervision and supervision are also needed with the Fire Brigade and Local Police – concludes Arletti -. We also visited Bolsena via lake: we must reaffirm safety and legality and not allow other free zones to spread like wildfire.”

The final thrust goes to Carletti: «We wanted this conference here because it is a symbolic place of the investigation and of the failure of this administration led by Bellelli but which also counted on the centre-left mayoral candidate Lines, which represents continuity – says the city secretary of Fdi –. The administration has always belittled and talked about perceptions, they always told us that we were talking about a city that doesn’t exist and the results are these.”

In the photo, from left, Federica Carletti, Michele Barcaiuolo, Wanda Ferro and Annalisa Arletti

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