the 5 points to be reborn

the 5 points to be reborn
the 5 points to be reborn

In the end, it was not clear who was to blame, because it seemed that everyone was to blame. On the other hand, it was clear who would pay: no one. The failure at Europeans It won’t cost anyone anything, just as the defeat against the North Macedonia who had kicked us out of World Cup 2022. Two sporting disasters that do not represent unfortunate competitive episodes, but are indicators of a system that does not work also because it has, perhaps irremediably, become entangled around the preservation of power and individual interests. In fact it is not a system. And this is our fundamental problem: Italian football, an important industry for the country, not just entertainment, is torn apart by the personal gains of those who make it up and is flying in a thousand different directions. Thinking that in these conditions reforms can be implemented or plans launched with an eye to the future is illusory, because there is no possibility of sharing a common project. And this condemns us to progressive worsening. There was a turning point in Italian football and it was in 2006.

The turning point

We came from Calciopoli, from a football in which the A leaguegoverned by Juventus e Milan, had so much power that it appeared like a dictatorship and the scandal (with all its contradictions and all its sensational disparities in judgment) served to dismantle that system (which had brought us to a World Cup and a fair amount of domination in the Champions League) to create another, shifting power into the hands of the more numerous components, such as Serie C and the National Amateur League, but less productive in economic terms. From that moment, the federal president has always been elected with those votes, marginalizing the locomotive of the sector, namely Serie A. In turn, Serie A has been at its worst, from 2006 onwards, transforming itself into a sort of condominium whose meetings are as contentious as those to redo the facade. Serie A is divided on almost everything and, therefore, in addition to being in the minority in Federal Council (the government of Italian football), is not even able to assert its economic weight, presenting itself as a monolithic block, but disperses its strength in personal battles and splits on the figure of Claudio Lotito.

In short, perhaps it is even useless to talk about reforms or change in a system in which no one moves from their seat and is totally paralyzed by internal battles, but there are still some points that could be the basis of a rebirth project that is worth analyzing.

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