In Savona the “Ciclofficina Alfonsina”, four young people make their passion for cycling available to the city –

In Savona the “Ciclofficina Alfonsina”, four young people make their passion for cycling available to the city –
In Savona the “Ciclofficina Alfonsina”, four young people make their passion for cycling available to the city –

When you have a passion the desire is to share it with others. It is from this perspective that four young people from Savona Cecilia Mignanti, Veronica Cappello, Gilberto Daniele and Lucia Aschiero gave life to the “Ciclofficina Alfonsina” project as part of the collaboration agreements with the Municipality.

The “Ciclofficina Alfonsina” will be a space where the kids will take care of the maintenance of the bikes, in which the people of Savona will be able to take an active part, as well as other activities.

The Municipality has made the cycle workshop space available to the workshop boys, in the premises of the former Nautico warehouse next door in Piazzale Ere dei due Mondi, will bear the costs of utilities, will make available a portion of the external space in front of the cycle workshop for occasional outdoor activities, will disseminate the promoted initiatives and promote the activities on the institutional website.

The young people, who have already had a similar experience in Turin, are responsible for setting up the space for repairing bicycles with the active involvement of citizens, who will be able to participate in maintenance interventions (exclusion of activities that involve the use of electrical material, which will be handled exclusively by young people who have signed the collaboration agreement), they will organize meetings to promote the culture of sustainable mobility, cyclomechanics training courses, events for the self-financing of the project (cultural events, auctions of bicycle etc.); recycling of material for the repair or assembly of new bicycles. A collaboration will be made with the waste collection centers in the Savona area for the recovery of old bicycles to be stored in a successful manner and there will be cultural workshops in the afternoon, with the presentation of books and the organization of socializing moments.

“It is a project on which we have worked for many months – explains councilor Gabriella Branca – and we are very satisfied that it is now starting. In addition to the repair activity, the young people will also take care of mechanical cycle training courses, recovery of materials, workshops and cultural moments. It will be a new space for the city and for the people of Savona”.

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