PD Crotone writes to the “mayor” Cretella: “With Eni’s money we can ‘rinse Rosa and drink Agnese'”


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Letter to Mayor Cretella

Dear deputy mayor, or perhaps it is better to say dear mayor Cretella – because we know, in the town hall it is you who decides everything, from the management of relations with Eni to the choice of the artist and the technicians to be hired with the related funding, from the definition of policies of the staff to the type of succulent plant to be planted in each individual flowerbed – recently we had the opportunity to appreciate his skills as an influencer/agronomist in a video in which he explained to us the grassing plan and the type of irrigation system chosen to redevelop Piazza Pitagora . Watching that election advert, we naturally asked ourselves two questions which we found the answers to ourselves. Why restore the flowerbeds that had been set up in that same square only a few months ago? But anyway, as we have been repeating for months, with Eni pennies we can do “rinse Rosa and drink Agnese”. And then using some of Eni’s millions of euros shouldn’t the main square really have been redeveloped? Even there the answer is simple since beyond some embellishment work, you have no vision of the remodulation of urban planning and the city’s roads, therefore it is impossible to plan a real redevelopment of the square which in fact, alas, will continue to remain a roundabout, beautiful yes but always a roundabout! Watching the video a second time, however, we noticed that the person who should be the protagonist also appears in it, that is, the Voice that the citizens indicated on the ballot paper 4 years ago. This appears and says “Crotone is growing, it will continue to grow”. So dear lawyer Cretella, since Voce continues not to give real answers, let’s try asking a brilliant professional like you: but where is the growth? Exactly what is your strategy for economic and social growth that we just can’t see? What is the vision for the city a few years from now? We don’t see this presumed growth, but neither do sector studies, such as that of Sole24ore last week on the quality of life of children, young people and the elderly, which places the province of Crotone at the bottom also on the “sport and children”, “concerts” and “equipped green areas” so dear to your administration. Above all, the citizens of Crotone don’t see it who, faced with so many beautiful plants, struggle not only to make ends meet, but also to find services in the area starting from those that the municipality should provide. So Mayor Cretella, can you explain to us what that other guy meant when he talked about growth?

Democratic Party Circle of Crotone

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