Boy stabbed in Piazza Oberdan in Trieste, attacker on the run

Boy stabbed in Piazza Oberdan in Trieste, attacker on the run
Boy stabbed in Piazza Oberdan in Trieste, attacker on the run

TRIESTE Stabbing in Piazza Oberdan in Trieste. Yet another episode of violence occurred today, Tuesday 4 June, around five in the afternoon.

A 19-year-old boy was injured in the arm. His life is not in danger.

From the initial information gathered, it appears that the attacker is a young Albanian, while the victim is a 19-year-old Tunisian.

Before the stabbing, the two fought in front of a bar, throwing stools at each other.
According to what was reported by the victim’s girlfriend, the argument was triggered by some comments on an Instagram “story”.

Then, according to the first testimonies of those who witnessed the scene, the boy threw himself at the 19-year-old, slashing him.

The ambulance and the 118 medical vehicle, a State Police patrol and two Carabinieri patrols were on site.

The attacker fled on foot and disappeared along the streets of the centre. He was spotted, with a bloody hand, in the station area and later in via Udine.

After about an hour the carabinieri entered the building in via Udine 19, which houses the dormitory of the Community of San Martino al campo. Traces of blood were detected in the lobby and on the street.

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