Bad weather, urgent measures for agriculture in Lombardy

Bad weather, urgent measures for agriculture in Lombardy
Bad weather, urgent measures for agriculture in Lombardy

MILANO – Largo consensus yesterday in the regional council at the Pirellone in Milan on the motion presented by the Brothers of Italy Group (first signatory) Claudio Mangiarotti) which invites the President of the Council to ask the Government the proclamation of a state of natural disaster due to the serious damage suffered by the agricultural sector in Lombardy following the exceptionally intense rainfall that has continued since February. In particular, the wine producers of Oltrepò Pavese complain of a probable reduction in the harvest of 80 percent, while in Lomellina it has not been possible in many cases to proceed with the sowing of rice due to the inaccessibility of the partially or totally flooded fields.

The document also asks the calling of a meeting to plan further interventions to support the agricultural sector, the possibility of derogate from the restrictions on the use of plant protection products to protect crops and finally the guarantee of proceeding as quickly as possible to the settlement of compensation considering adding regional resources to the national funds.
He intervened in the debate Ivan Rota (FI) who shared the spirit and contents of the motion to protect the Lombard agri-food supply chain which has been severely tested by climate change. John Malanchini (Lega) has asked for its part to integrate the text with the request for adequate economic resources to finance the state of calamity, integration accepted by the proposer. The councilor Mark Carra (PD) expressed agreement with the motion, announcing that his group would vote in favour except for the request for exemptions from the use of pesticides. A declaration totally in favour of the text came from Alexander Cantoni (Ideal Lombardy).

The Councilor for Agriculture Alessandro Beduschi in his speech he highlighted the work underway in Lombardy to prevent climate crises both on the drought front and on that of small or large floods. He also specified that the state of calamity has already been requested by the Council on 30 May, thus asking the proponent to modify the text on this point.

(archive photo)


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