“It does not serve the relaunch of Sicily and Calabria”

“It’s not the Bridge over the Straita useless and harmful work, the infrastructure necessary to relaunch it development of Sicily, Calabria and the South itself. State intervention is needed to build one programming targeted and coherent and design a new industrial development plan”. This is what the confederal secretary of the CGIL Pino declared Gesmundo and the general secretaries of CGIL Calabria, Angelo Marriedand of the CGIL Sicilia, Alfio Mannino. The union leaders underline that “the incomplete project of the Bridge, which is based on a cost-benefit analysis unrealistic, would entail serious environmental, landscape and naturalistic impacts. They would also be determined by the enormous problematic nature of managing the construction sites scattered throughout the area. These will put the cities of Messina, Reggio Calabria and Villa San Giovanni in crisis for years.” Then there is a further aspect that makes it “harmful even before being created.” It is “the execution of expropriate of houses, lands, properties of private citizens, hit by hardships and forced to leave their homes to go no one knows where or even with which compensation“.

Modernization does not pass through the Bridge

For Gesmundo, Sposato and Mannino “it is serious mistake consider the construction of the Bridge the strategic element of modernization infrastructure of the South. Instead, we consider “the realization of thehigh speed Salerno-Reggio Calabria, which risks stopping in Romagnano. The completion of the electrification and safety of the fjonic errovia Sibari-Reggio Calabria. The improvement of the mobility system ofcentral area of ​​the Strait; the completion of Messina-Catania-Palermo and the doubling of the Messina-Catania-Syracuse route which continue to proceed slowly. The safety of the system is then essential highway system Sicilian and Calabrian, completing the construction of the E90 (Ss 106), better known as the ‘road of death’”.

We need an industrial plan for the two regions

“We need a industrial plan of development for the two regions – they continue – which encourages the production of powerwith investments in renewables and completing the reclamations of contaminated sites. A politics of transport which favors local and regional public transport. Radical interventions that decisively address the problems inherent in the breakdown hydrogeological and the endemic network disruption water. The huge financial resources available between Pnrr, Pnc, European Structural Funds and National Funds must be spent in due time and in a correct and transparent manner. They must be removed from the danger of clientelistic management that could open the door to phenomena corruptive and the penetration of mafias into the public procurement system”, they conclude.

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