Aversa. Matacena and the 7 programmatic points for the city

“My program is made up of shared ideas and concrete proposals for Aversa”, these are the words most used by Franco Matacena when in these intense days of the electoral campaign he meets the many people of Aversa who want to know more about his political proposal.

“It is a complex program – continues Matacena – which is the result of dialogue and constant attention to the real needs of the people of Aversa, incorporating the proposals and sensitivities of the civic components who have decided to share this adventure with me. This is a transparent administrative planning, open to the participation of all citizens to achieve a common objective, which is to make Aversa a virtuous city”.

The program of the large civic coalition was developed with the contribution of all the political forces, summarized by the mayoral candidate with the collaboration of Dr. Antonella Riccio and Dr. Rita Matacena.


The proposal of the orange coalition is divided into seven programmatic points, which start from the concept of “planned city” with the promise of rapid approval of the new PUC, the Municipal Urban Plan which will have to give substance and rules to city development, keeping in mind its role as the center of gravity of the entire Agro territory, without forgetting that Aversa must be a “sustainable city”, with a global value that aims to reduce the rate of pollution, improve air quality and efficient management of the waste cycle .

The city that Franco Matacena is designing will have to be “healthy, inclusive and accessible”, involving in the decision-making processes in particular those citizens who live in a marginal reality and who, until now, have been without a voice and without points of reference, but it will have to be, above all, a “safe city” with the strengthening of control over the territory, focusing on close coordination with the police and on the launch of inter-municipal program agreements, as well as increasing the staff of the Municipal Police.

Even on the administrative management front, the coalition headed by Matacena intends to intervene in an incisive manner, proposing an “efficient and transparent” Aversa in which the administrative machine has new impetus and is truly that glass house that guarantees transparency and control over the action of public offices, with the primary objective of completing the procedural process of the financial rebalancing plan, to ensure the resources necessary for the economic stability of the entity.


Great attention is paid to the theme of culture, so that the city is “cultural and attractive” by combining culture, tourism and musical tradition, starting from a census of all the assets of high historical-artistic importance and then arriving at the development of a tourist plan that inserts the city into regional and national circuits, an intervention that will have to start already at school for an “educated city” that pays attention to the young generations with the strengthening of basic education structures and solidifies collaboration with the world of associations and volunteering.

The final goal is ambitious: Aversa finally becoming the city of music and can apply to be the capital of culture in 2030, the year of its millennium.

“Just after the inauguration – stated the candidate of the civic coalition – we will make an extraordinary intervention for urban decorum, starting from the cleaning of the cemetery, then, in the first hundred days, we want to intervene on safety with a specific protocol with the Prefecture and Police Headquarters, We will reopen the parks and allocate dedicated resources to keep them clean and accessible.”

In these days Matacena is visiting the different neighborhoods of the city to personally illustrate, together with all the candidate councilors, the points of the program, propose his concrete solutions and listen to all the requests of the citizens of Aversa.

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