On The Road, the local police of Sassari against alcohol and drug abuse

Sassari. Raise awareness of the dangers associated with driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, reduce visits to the emergency room both for coma and road accidents and at the same time develop an awareness in the new generations that can be passed down, both among peers and to those who are younger. These are the main objectives of the new project of the local police of Sassari, with ministerial funding of 250 thousand euros, which started on Saturday 29 June from one of the busiest places in Sassari: Piazza Tola. All the details were presented in recent days in the Langui room of the Command in via Carlo Felice, by the mayor Giuseppe Mascia and the commander Gianni Serra. The meeting with the press was also attended by Lorena Auzzas from the Sassari Local Health Authority, the president of the La Gaia Scienza cooperative Giovanni Condorelli with the service coordinator Claudia Spanu and Giovanna Adamo and Maria Barca from Pubblicitas.

Street units with highly specialized teams made up of local police officers and educators from the La Gaia Scienza cooperative will meet young people in the places they most often frequent to talk to them about the risks linked to alcohol abuse and the use of narcotic substances, even more more so when you drive a car or moped. The target will be mainly between 15 and 30 years old.

Thanks to paper and digital information material, with videos with particularly strong content, the staff will aim to create moments of contact and listening with youth realities, both individuals and groups.

The street unit will be the medium through which to sew relationships between young people and the social context, and create the conditions that favor meeting and dialogue, through which to spread knowledge and awareness, without “stepping up on high”. An action in small steps, which evolves slowly, overcoming mutual distrust, provocations, conflictual situations, physiological at every intrusion in any context. Through these opportunities for meeting it will be possible to create in those who get into the car an increasingly high level of attention on the risks for road safety inherent in driving under the influence of drugs. The objective is to reduce the accident rate in the municipal territory attributable to driving under the influence of drugs and will favor a gradual change in the perception that adolescents and young people have with respect to the intake of alcohol and drugs, often seen as tools for socialization, with an underestimation (or lack of knowledge) of the risks linked to the use of such substances for psycho-physical health.

It will continue until September in the most popular places: from Platamona to via Torre Tonda, from Piazza d’Italia to the locations of concerts and popular events, just to name a few. In parallel with the awareness and prevention action, checks along the roads will also continue, with reinforcement at the weekend: the patrols will monitor the psycho-physical state of those who are driving.

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