San Bortolo, the urban transformation planned by the Gaffeo Council begins

ROVIGO – An urban development project that will change the face of the former Gabar area in the coming years: the transformation of the San Bortolo neighborhood has begun. The innovative program for the quality of living, known as “Pinqua”, is about to take shape with the start of the works: on the table there is an investment of 19 million euros for the regeneration of the entire area identified as l former fruit and vegetable market and surrounding areas (66 thousand square meters involved). This initiative, an integral part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr), aims to transform an area that has been neglected for years, bringing it back to life with homes, green spaces, and modern infrastructure.

The Municipality of Rovigo has started the procedures to sign the service contracts with the companies responsible for carrying out the planned interventions and the first works have already begun.

The candidate for mayor Edoardo Gaffeo, who led the previous administration, has the aim of completing the work started in team with the then councilors for Urban Planning Luisa Cattozzo and for Public Works Giuseppe Favaretto.

Pinqua will be discussed on June 4th at 6.30pm at the San Bortolo Theater in an event open to all citizens.

A Race Against Time for Change

The clock has been activated: the project must be completed by March 31, 2026, a deadline that requires not only the conclusion of the work, but also the verification and reporting of the results obtained. The complexity of the operation requires precise planning and uncompromising efficiency, as time is running out and many works are scheduled simultaneously.

From the signing of contracts to the first excavation

The first interventions will concern urbanization, with roads, sidewalks and cycle paths that will be redone to make the neighborhood more accessible and livable.

Green Areas and Citadel of Arts and Music

In addition to the urbanization works, the project includes energy redevelopment interventions for the Studio Theater and existing municipal housing, as well as the creation of new green areas accessible to all citizens. The transformation of the former Gabar and former headquarters of the local police (recently moved to Viale Marconi) into a modern Citadel of arts and music, with a 320-seat auditorium and exhibition halls, will represent the beating heart of the new neighbourhood, while the creation of accommodation intended for social housing will respond to the housing needs of the community in an innovative way. A square with an amphitheater will also be the fulcrum of social gatherings.

An urban forest will be created in the so-called buffer area close to the cemetery, the affected section of Viale Oroboni will be redeveloped with attention to the cycle/pedestrian path and a new road system serving the new structures. In the context, sewer lighting, internet fiber and other subservices will be built from scratch or implemented and interconnected to existing networks.

A Garden of Sensations has already been designed as an organized structure that can be enjoyed by the whole family with scenic plantings based on the natural course of the seasons and colored mulches.

The Evolving Future of San Bortolo

“San Bortolo is about to experience an epochal transformation, going from a neighborhood to a lively and modern cultural reference point for the entire city. The Municipality of Rovigo is preparing to give a new identity to this part of the city abandoned to itself for decades, offering its citizens a cutting-edge urban environment full of opportunities” is the comment of the mayoral candidate Edoardo Gaffeo, supported by the Civica for Rovigo, Citizens’ Forum and 5 Star Movement.

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