They steal perfumes with screened bags – Teramo

TERAMO. Thieves discovered and thieves on the run. The wave of thefts in the Teramo area does not abate. In Piano d’Accio the police arrested three Romanian citizens accused of having taken away perfumes and other personal hygiene items, from soaps to shower gel, from the Oasi supermarket and the nearby Tigotà shop with screened bags. In Colledara the police are looking for the criminals who on Friday evening committed a robbery in a house and then ran away with the car of the robbed man found in Bellante station.
In Piano d’Accio the alarm went off late on Friday afternoon when, according to the reconstruction provided by the police, some supermarket employees noticed three men taking away some goods, from perfumes to other valuables. In a short time, a police car arrived on site with officers who managed to stop the three who, after leaving the shop and hiding the stolen goods worth around a thousand euros in two cars, tried to escape on foot. The three were arrested on charges of aggravated theft in conspiracy. It has been reconstructed that the three, most likely after having also stolen perfumes in Pescara, arrived in Teramo and here, complete with shielded bags to bypass the anti-alarm devices, they went into action first in Tigotà and then to the Oasis. The direct hearing took place yesterday morning in front of the judge Marco D’Antoni (hearing pm Monica Speca): after validation the three were released from prison with a ban on residence in Teramo and Pescara.
In Colledara, in the hamlet of Ornano, investigations are underway to identify the thieves who committed a robbery in a house on Friday evening. According to the reconstruction made by the police, the criminals, after climbing along a gutter and taking advantage of a window left open, entered a house and, taking advantage of the temporary absence of the owners, took away money and jewels for a loot yet to be quantified. And not only. The thieves, in fact, fled, taking away the car belonging to the robbed family which was parked in the courtyard.
The owners noticed the theft when they returned home and immediately raised the alarm by calling the police. The searches began immediately across the entire provincial territory with the use of various crews from the operational and mobile radio units and the various stations. The police found the stolen car, an Opel Astra, at Bellante station: it is conceivable that the criminals abandoned it after being joined by some accomplices with another car.
Technical checks are underway on the machine to ascertain the presence of any fingerprints. Just as investigations are underway to verify the presence, in the area where the house was burgled, of any video surveillance systems whose images could have captured elements useful to the investigations.(dp)

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