Federico: “Centre-right? We are there and if the numbers prove us right someone will have to say mea culpa”

Federico: “Centre-right? We are there and if the numbers prove us right someone will have to say mea culpa”
Federico: “Centre-right? We are there and if the numbers prove us right someone will have to say mea culpa”

Frost. The polls on Saturday and Sunday will give the first verdict, especially in administrative terms. In the pre-election phase, the centre-right split: the parties accepted the broad pact with the moderates, supporting the engineer Grazia Cosentino; the exiles instead put the “Alliance for Gela” project into high gear, rallying around the city councilor Salvatore Scerra. It will therefore also be an entirely internal game within this political area. “We think we did a great job. The citizens will express themselves – says the former Ars parliamentarian Pino Federico among the signatures of the alternative project to the party block – personally, I worked a lot on the project and on the list. I don’t like to appear too much and I prefer to have direct contact with people. I am also involved in seeking consensus for the city council. We are united for one objective, to give a government to the city that first and foremost knows how to plan and design. Is the axis with Rome and Palermo ensured only by the official centre-right parties? They are exploitations. I know the regional institutions well and I know that in the face of good planning, no government would ever turn its back on a city like Gela, one of the most difficult areas on the island”. Federico, once again, does not deny his belonging at all. “I know well that many in the parties claim that the only centre-right is the one represented by their coalition – he continues – but this is not the case at all. We are centre-right and will vote in the European elections for centre-right representatives. Clearly, I remain of the opinion that the parties in the city had no intention of opening a confrontation with representatives of the area who over the years have always demonstrated that they are there, first and foremost with the electoral numbers. The centre-right candidate had probably already been chosen, I don’t know where, but a dialogue could still have been opened which was instead excluded a priori. The city will decide and the numbers are not contestable. If they were to agree with us, then someone in the center-right will have to say mea culpa. It is not possible for those who lose to feel victorious and those who win should consider themselves defeated. It does not work like that. I hope that as early as June 10th we can open an overall evaluation in the center-right, without excluding anyone. In politics, especially in the electoral phase, numbers count.” Federico seems quite convinced of the programmatic validity of the initiative supported by mayoral candidate Scerra.

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