Modica, the “Morricone, cinema Suites” concert at the Garibaldi theater – Giornale Ibleo

Modica, the “Morricone, cinema Suites” concert at the Garibaldi theater – Giornale Ibleo
Modica, the “Morricone, cinema Suites” concert at the Garibaldi theater – Giornale Ibleo

On Sunday 9 June at 6.30 pm, the Garibaldi Theater in Modica will host the final concert of the fascinating musical season, a memorable event that will combine music and cinema, and which consolidates the friendship with the Massimo Bellini Theater in Catania. After the debut in the Etna capital, the concert entitled “Morricone, Cinema Suites” will arrive in the Teatro della County and will see the prestigious Orchestra of the Teatro Massimo Bellini of Catania perform under the direction of maestro Leonardo Catalanotto, and with Marco Serino, solo violinist. The heart of the evening will be dedicated to the famous compositions of Oscar winner Ennio Morricone, one of the greatest composers of soundtracks and contemporary music, as well as conductor and arranger. His most iconic songs and unforgettable melodies will resonate in the theater, evoking deep emotions and paying homage to his extraordinary career and his ability to tell stories through notes. Alongside Morricone’s music, pieces by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart will also be performed, timeless masterpieces that will enhance the mastery, technique and expressiveness of the members of the Catania orchestra and of the solo violinist Marco Serino, an extraordinary musician who boasts important collaborations, including with Ennio Morricone, for whom he has been solo violin in all the soundtracks since 2000. “We are very happy to close our exceptional musical season with this event created with the organizational collaboration of the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania – comment the president Maria Monisteri and the superintendent Tonino Cannata – The orchestra of the Theater of the Etna capital opened our musical season with great charm, and we are very proud to have it back on the stage, with the violinist Marco Serino and the director Leonardo Catalanotto, to experience a unforgettable season finale, remembering the great Ennio Morricone. It will be an evening of pure symphonic magic, an explosion of emotions and beauty.” The season of the Garibaldi Theater in Modica has the support of the Sicily Region, the Municipality of Modica and the Sicilian Regional Assembly, sponsors are Conad, Minardo Group, Zaccaria Group, Modicanello – Iabichella Group, Gali Group, Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa. Media partner Video Region. Tickets are available at the theater box office or online at For any other information you can consult the social pages of the Fondazione Teatro Garibaldi of Modica, the website or call 0932/946991.

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