Cantù towards the play off finals with Trieste. Cagnardi: “We and Trieste are similar. It will be a difficult series”

Cantù towards the play off finals with Trieste. Cagnardi: “We and Trieste are similar. It will be a difficult series”
Cantù towards the play off finals with Trieste. Cagnardi: “We and Trieste are similar. It will be a difficult series”

It is the day before the play-off finals between Pallacanestro Cantù and Trieste. Tomorrow, Tuesday 4 June 2024, at 8.30pm at PalaDesio the first act of the final will be staged which will decide which of the two contenders will return to Serie A1, either Cantù who has been trying to do so for three years now, or Trieste who has instead been relegated last year in A2.

The coach’s words

It will be a challenge between two teams who make attack their strong point. A challenge to coach on Devis Cagnardi he expressed himself at the press conference to present the series

“I expect a difficult series – he began – We face a strong and prepared team, who deservedly reached the final. We know that we will play in front of a large crowd, but we know that Trieste has already been able to beat both Torino and Forlì at home. Enthusiasm like in the Como environment? Yes, we feel it. Our audience has never lacked closeness during the season. Now we are in the final act and we know we can count on them too.”

Fundamental for the series will be the field factor which is indeed in Cantù’s favor (game 1, game 2 and possible game 5 will be played at PalaDesio), but which Trieste has already shown it can overturn twice against Torino and Forlì.

“The field factor must be defended – continued Cagnardi – This aspect is further stimulating for us. It makes us raise the level of attention. How do I feel about the final? As head coach it is the first for me, I was lucky enough as assistant to play two Scudetto finals with Reggio Emilia and a Super Cup final won and a EuroChallenge final won. The role is different now, but I live it with a very strong sense of responsibility towards my club, towards this square and towards my team My focus now, like that of my players, is on the pitch.”

On the Trieste route

“We as Trieste have followed a path that has led us to be ready in the most important moment. Both teams have rosters built to try to win. I wouldn’t dwell too much on the mental step taken by the two teams because it is the history of basketball : in the end everything gets mixed up with the play offs, in the last 20 years in A1 the first in the regular season rankings has only won 5 or 6 times. It’s a bit of the beauty of our sport, it rewards a path and not a year. They also have a top-level roster, long, physical, equipped, talented, with experienced players who have played seriously in A1. Among them I coached Folloy. They had difficulties, like us, they were criticized, but they knew how to do it squared around the team and reached the final with confidence.”

The conditions of the group

“We’re fine. My players would take to the pitch even without a leg for these finals, so we’ll all be in the game. On a mental level we approached it with work, trying to isolate ourselves a bit, great enthusiasm was recreated around us after months where we were suffocated by some negative results, even if all in all we only have two teams in A2 that have lost less than us. Work and training are the things that keep us on track.”

More on the opponents

“Trieste is a team very devoted to attack, during the season they found a very good defensive structure. They have players that you can hardly stop, but we will try to limit them. After the match in the clock phase we all thought a bit that Trieste would arrive in the final. In that match we mirrored them, an offensive match with a high tempo, as both teams were. We changed slightly and they continued on their line, but you could see that they had experienced players, with great personality and great talent. We knew that things would be done with them in the end.”

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