Green Road dei Fiori, the most evocative cycle route in Trentino – SiViaggia

Green Road dei Fiori, the most evocative cycle route in Trentino – SiViaggia
Green Road dei Fiori, the most evocative cycle route in Trentino – SiViaggia

With the start of the summer, the flowering meadows that extend from Carisolo to Lake Idro, at the foot of the Little Dolomites, are transformed into a palette of colors that further enhances the beauty of the Adamello Brenta Natural Park which surrounds them. A unique spectacle, which can be witnessed by pedaling through picturesque landscapes and villages rich in history, through the evocative itinerary of the Green Road of Flowers in Trentino.

Green Road dei Fiori, cycling in a palette of colours

The Ciclovia dei Fiori is the third place this year at the ninth edition of the Italian Cycle Tourism Oscar, the prize awarded to the green cycle paths of the Regions that promote holidays on two wheels with services aimed at slow tourism. This is a new cycle/pedestrian path that unites the Val Rendena and the Valle del Chiese, in a distance of 57 km from the village of Carisoloin the province of Trento, up to the banks of the Lake Idroof glacial origin, located in the province of Brescia on the border with Trentino.

This cycle path becomes a riot of colors during the flowering period, with over 600 species of flowers. Between Pinzolo and Caderzone Terme the dominant color is the yellow of the dandelion and buttercups, but the meadows are also tinged with the pink and red of the common corvil and the white rennet, once used to curdle milk, the green of the poaceae, the purplish blue of the flowers common wildflower, meadow grass and alfalfa.

TO Clearance the yellow of the buttercups and the purplish blue of the alfalfa predominate, while in the wooded area between Fisto And Pelugo beech, spruce, ash, elder and mountain lime trees reign supreme. Near Pelugo, on the edges of the corn fields, there is also a very rare and particular plant in western Trentino, namely the European abutilone.

Passing by Give, Javre And Sesena the meadows are multicolored, while near Ponte Pià the white willow, the red willow, the basket willow and the willow with yellow or green flowers predominate. TO Roncone we move from the white flowers of the silene vulgare to the pink ones of the silene dioica, up to the gold color of the reed, the greater goldenrod and the Canadian goldenrod.

Between Lardaro And Condino the multicolored meadows stand out, with the yellow of the St. John’s wort, the purple of the meadow sage, the white of the white silene, the silene vulgare and the daisies. Finally, from Storo at Lake Idro the slopes offer rare multicolored orchids – the speckled orchid, the military one, the scorched orchid – but also the St. John’s wort and the potentilla, both medicinal plants with yellow flowers. There are also many edible herbs, nettle with pink flowers, white manna, asparagus and mountain spinach. A synesthesia of colours, scents, flavors and the sound of water that accompanies cycle tourists for the entire length of the route.

Ciclovia dei Fiori, a new highly suggestive route

The Val Rendena Cycle Route is a ribbon designed and well integrated into a highly evocative Alpine setting, in the Adamello Brenta Natural Park, which runs along the Sarca river. The Valle del Chiese is the land of the seven Parishes and there are many artistic testimonies along the route. The new connection starts at Tione of Trento, continues up to the town of Bolbeno and then connect to the town of Bondo along the Madonna del Lares road, characterized by significant slopes and mixed with the passage of cars.

In addition to following the color of the flowers that dress the meadows along the cycle path in spring, the banks of the Sarca and Chiese rivers and the shores of the “Blue Flag Lakes” of Idro and Roncone, pedaling also passes delightful villages, museums and sites historians who report the signs left by the Great War, including walkways, trenches and positions for which the Green Road dei Fiori represents an excellent starting point.

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