The Scorza Auditorium in Cosenza inaugurated, Succurro: “absolute attention for schools”

COSENZA – In front of an audience full of students, the Province of Cosenza inaugurated the Auditorium of the Cosenza Scientific High School “Giovanni Battista Scorza”. In her speech, the President of the Province of Cosenza, Rosaria Succurro, greeted the authorities, the high school students and the entire school staff, thanking «all the people who contributed to the completion of a fundamental work for the Scorza, for the city and for culture”. «It is a day of great satisfaction, which certifies – said President Succurro – our seriousness with respect to the commitments made and our absolute attention for the schools of the province and for the school as a place of education, training, knowledge and civil, economic and social change”.

«For us – underlined Succurro – the new generations come first. Our government action starts from them, who will be the professionals, administrators and protagonists of the future, which we want them to build in Calabria. Therefore, we continue to work tirelessly to achieve this ambitious goal.” «As for the auditorium that we inaugurated today, the structure – specified President Succurro – had been closed for several years. The Province of Cosenza had started to get involved in 2017, with a sharp slowdown in work and the alternation of various companies.

Then, in November 2023, we intervened with two contracts to complete the interventions, to resolve all the inherited problems and to deliver adequate and functional spaces to the school community. We have completed – concluded the president of the Province of Cosenza – an investment of one million and 600 thousand euros and delivered a splendid, safe and highly collective structure for public use”.

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