San Cipriano d’Aversa, the thousand colors of Sports Day

San Cipriano d’Aversa, the thousand colors of Sports Day
San Cipriano d’Aversa, the thousand colors of Sports Day

The Parco della Legalità of San Cipriano d’Aversa was stained with a thousand colors yesterday morning on the occasion of the “National Sports Day”. A…

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The Park of Legality of San Cipriano d’Aversa was tinged with a thousand colors yesterday morning on the occasion of the “National Sports Day”. A rainbow made up of the wonderful shades of the uniforms of the sports teams that came for the historic event that has taken place in various places in Italy for years.

An anniversary established by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in 2003 and which this year was hosted in the center of the sports center of Capasso team. Many sports are represented: from football to skating; from archery to karate; from airsoft to boxing. There is also space for dog breeding.

The anniversary takes place every year on the first Sunday of June and aims to enhance the function of sport as growth factor in young people and evolution in adults, improving the quality of life and social coexistence. The mayor of San Cipriano d’Aversa presented the participation medals, Vincenzo Caterinothe CONI delegate, Michele De Simonewho underlined «the importance of the choice of the location falling on the park of legality», the Army Corps general Domenico Cagnazzo.

«I am proud to have hosted the event – he says Caterino – it was an important day for those who love and practice sport, but also an opportunity to socialization. Sport is a valid tool for personal growth, a school of life capable of teaching commitment to reach a goal, respect for the rules, generating trust and passion.”

The audience was large. «I am happy and honored for this opportunity – he says Nicola Capassowho has been managing the facility for years – I thank the mayor and the Municipality for their support, help and collaboration”. There was no shortage of fun activities for adults and children and food stands.


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