Edison, the environmentalist controversies surrounding the authorization of the LNG depot in Brindisi: «Instrumental political act»

Edison, the environmentalist controversies surrounding the authorization of the LNG depot in Brindisi: «Instrumental political act»
Edison, the environmentalist controversies surrounding the authorization of the LNG depot in Brindisi: «Instrumental political act»

Controversy flares up after the regional council’s latest authorization for the Edison LNG depot construction site. The associations, Italia Nostra Brindisi, Legambiente Brindisi, WWF Brindisi, “Tonino di Giulio” Foundation, Anpi Brindisi, Forum Environment, Health and Development, No to Coal, Puliamoilmare Brindisi, “Vogatori Remuri Brindisi” Association, denounce how the authorization is an act instrumental politician.

The complaint

«Recently the president of the port system authority of the lower Adriatic declared that the PPTR does not allow the construction of photovoltaic systems in the ports of Puglia. If this were true, the granting of the exemption by the regional council for the construction of the works planned for the coastal LNG deposit would be even more striking. The derogation, in fact, is not a technical act but a choice dictated by a precise political will. This political choice is in complete contradiction with what Emiliano declared regarding the intention to re-discuss the program agreement with the government on the plant”, denounce the associations.

Environmental protection

The concerns are above all at an environmental level. The impact that the plant could have on the coastal area is worrying. “How does the Puglia region grant the exemption and how does the Superintendency not express comments on the landscape compatibility of the works planned in the coastal depot, which are also heavy?”, ask the associations.

The unions therefore place their hope in the government. They ask for answers and hope that “they know how to respond to their own conscience and common interests, preventing administrative acts, which are legally and ethically unmotivated, from allowing the construction of the coastal depot and preventing the multifunctionality and sustainable development of the port”.

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