«We centrists are surprised at the elections; with the opinion vote we will enter the Municipality”

«We centrists are surprised at the elections; with the opinion vote we will enter the Municipality”
«We centrists are surprised at the elections; with the opinion vote we will enter the Municipality”

BARI – «In the administrative elections» of Bari «we have chosen not to present a list, but there are some of our candidates, starting with our provincial president Stefano Franco» who are present in other lists as independent «and who I guarantee you will be city councilors of Bari”: the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, in Bari, explained that although he is not present with the symbol, he will participate in the municipal elections. The step backwards was determined by Michele Laforgia’s signature on the CGIL platform against the Jobs Act, but Renzian local secretary Stefano Franco will be on the list with the criminal lawyer (for Bari, a city of Europe) and his left-wing coalition (with 5S, Vendola supporters and PCI).

“We think we can represent a surprise – added the former prime minister – because the United States of Europe crosses not only the organized vote in which we can do our part, but also the opinion vote”. «I – he added – say: maybe you have different ideas in the political elections, but as far as Europe is concerned, the only possible dream for your children is the United States of Europe. Because if there is no United States of Europe, we will become the butlers of the Indians or the Chinese in the next twenty years.” “This – the centrist politician underlined – is why it is essential for the European Championships to have this match and this challenge.” “On the administrative side – he continued – we will do well, we will elect many city councilors starting from the capital but not only in Bari”. «I believe – he pointed out – that the fundamental thing today is to tell the citizens let’s go and vote».

Renzi also focused on the European chapter: «Having said that from personal experience I would suggest to Meloni to be cautious about referendums, I believe it is true that Europe is at a crossroads: either we say as Salvini does, less Europe, and also as he says Meloni minus Europe, or as we say: United States of Europe. Because in the changing world either Europe becomes bigger and stronger, or even Italy will no longer play any role.” «In our opinion – highlighted the Tuscan politician – the only proposal is a United States of Europe. Because the real difference in these elections is between those who, like Meloni but also Tajani and Schlein, use the European elections to carry out a survey on their approval, and those who, if elected, will truly represent Puglia and Italy in the European institutions. In short, Meloni is using these elections to count herself in Italy, we want to count in Europe and for this reason we are the only ones, as the United States of Europe, who, if elected, will all really go to Europe”.

Yesterday Michele Laforgia also received the support of Riccardo Magi, national secretary of +Europa, who spoke in the Via Melo committee with the Salento candidate for the European Championships Claudia Stomeo, reiterating the affinities between the Laforgia coalition and the battles for the rights of education politics by Emma Bonino.

Tomorrow Elly Schlein, leader of the Democratic Party, arrives in Bari, and the area of ​​the party that converged on Laforgia has formulated an appeal to distance itself from the official pro-Vito Leccese line, candidate for mayor supported by the dem, the Greens and the Decarian and Emilianist civics: «I support Michele Laforgia – said Titti De Simone, self-suspended president of the Bari PD and among the promoters of the Schlein motion in the 2023 congress in Puglia – because in the Bari PD there is resistance to the idea of ​​an open party represented by the turning point with Elly. I appeal to dem voters to vote courageously for Michele Laforgia, a useful step for renewal and good politics.” Today, finally, in support of the Democratic candidate for the European elections Shady Alizadeh there will be the former minister Barbara Pollastrini (in the park of the former Rossani with Domenico De Santis and Leonardo Palmisano).

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