Civitavecchia elections, Poletti meets the world of sport

CIVITAVECCHIA – From the press office of the candidate for mayor of Civitavecchia, Paolo Polettiwe receive and publish:

“Yesterday morning’s meeting at the Spigarelli Park in Civitavecchia was the epilogue of a dialogue with the world of sport and sports associations that the mayoral candidate Paolo Poletti strongly wanted to build the bond that every good municipal administration should weave with the communities of which it is part and guide. Around Poletti are the managers of numerous associations, as well as athletes and citizens, all people linked by a passion for sport understood not only as competition and competitiveness but also as a stimulus to the education and continuous growth of people.
“I and the candidates who support me – said Paolo Poletti – believe that through a more attentive approach to the experiences of each Association, we can achieve better coordination of activities, create synergy and support them in the search for sponsors and public funding , national and EU. The development of sport, through the organization and promotion of events, will not only generate emulation, but can also be a driving force for the local economy, exploiting the potential of “sports tourism”. In all this lies the meaning of the meeting: working together for sport and in my electoral program there is a lot of talk about associations and sport.”

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