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Mola di Bari, Mayor Colonna Says No to Biogas Plant: “Negative Opinion on the Project”

Mola di Bari, Mayor Colonna Says No to Biogas Plant: “Negative Opinion on the Project”
Mola di Bari, Mayor Colonna Says No to Biogas Plant: “Negative Opinion on the Project”

The Municipality of Mola opposes the construction of a biogas plant in the area. After the negative opinion already expressed last year by the city council, the mayor Giuseppe Colonna, the heads of the Territorial Government and Landscape Sectors, Laura Ottomano and Teresa Palladino, and the Commander of the Local Police, Nicola Leone, sent, to the Metropolitan City of Bari, the unfavorable response to the construction of a green organic waste treatment plant for the production of biomethane and compost.

Subject to further and more in-depth deductions during the proceedings, the undersigned express their opinion which is not favorable to the realization of the project“, the four protagonists of the affair specified in the notes sent to the administration of the Metropolitan City of Bari.

The Municipal Council of Mola di Bari had unanimously expressed, with a resolution of March 23, 2023, its own negative position regarding the possibility of hypotheses of biogas plant installations in the local territory.

The start of the process for drafting the Pug – we read in a note from the Municipality of Mola – the will to carry out an orderly and homogeneous planning of the urban areas also taking into account the industrial vocation of parts of the territory, the natural agricultural vocation of the rural areas, the presence of two particularly high-quality structures that welcome thousands of customers every year in line with the provisions of the Strategic Tourism Plan of the Puglia Region, the presence in the immediate vicinity of numerous scattered rural houses that distinguish this portion of territory, as well as sites of particular public interest, the presence in the territory of other plants that already have a negative impact on the same, in relation to landscape aspects, such as the landfill in Contrada Martucci, the strong critical issues regarding vehicular traffic and the doubts regarding the actual need to cover the disposal needs of Forsu are among the observations sent by Mayor Colonna, by the managers Ottomano and Palladino and by Commander Leone in support of the unfavorable opinion“.

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