Bad purification and olfactory nuisance: public meeting in Aprilia – Radio Studio 93

Bad purification and olfactory nuisance: public meeting in Aprilia – Radio Studio 93
Bad purification and olfactory nuisance: public meeting in Aprilia – Radio Studio 93

Public meeting next Saturday 6 July, in the Manzù room of the Aprilia Library, starting at 10on Poor purification and olfactory nuisances: risks for the environment and health.

The assembly is organized by the Città degli Alberi association, the I Fiumi Consortium, the Coordination of the Consortia and Villages of Aprilia and the Agip Neighborhood Committee, which invite citizens to participate.

Water pollution – explain Carmen Porcelli, Città degli Alberi and Franco Gabriele, president of the Consorzio i Fiumi – It is a form of environmental pollution and can be very dangerous for human health and the environment. It puts at risk the health of flora and fauna and the use of the most precious resource: water. Water pollution in our city comes mainly from wastewater from homes, but also from industries, because it is made up of substances used in the production cycle.
For several years, especially in the summer, nauseating odors have developed in some neighborhoods which make life impossible for the residents: while the citizens of the suburbs, who have been waiting for some time for the construction of infrastructures, such as purification and water plants, are pointed out like those responsible
of pollution, the authors of industrial waste, illegally released into the canals, manage to get away with it.
What do citizens risk who draw water from wells? And what do all of us who live in an increasingly unhealthy environment risk?”

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