Junior World Running Orienteering Championships 2025

The JWOC 2025 will arrive in Trentino from 26 June to 4 July: 350 athletes from 40 nations

Trentino has always been a land of sport and major events on the national and international scene, capable of combining competitive entertainment with the valorization of its natural landscapes and a culture of first-rate hospitality.
A deep bond between territory and sport which once again represents the prelude to a new sporting chapter to be experienced in our territory.
From 26 June to 4 July 2025, the Piné Plateau and Valsugana will host the 2025 JWOC Junior Orienteering World Championships, which will be held in Trentino for the second time after 15 years from the Primiero event.

Established in 1990, the JWOC Championships have represented the most prestigious event in the sport of Orienteering for 35 years now, whose running discipline is its queen, to be practiced in natural environments with compass and map in hand.
A practice that developed at the beginning of the 20th century in the Scandinavian countries and soon spread throughout the world, but which today represents a high-level sport practiced at a competitive level with four specialties: the sprint, a short distance speed race, the middle on medium distances along more technical routes, the long on long distances and even more challenging routes and finally the relay,
the relay race with two or more participants.

There will be as many as 40 nations participating in the event hosted on the Piné Plateau and in Valsugana with over 350 top athletes competing for the prestigious world titles in the various specialties and as many as 150 technicians, coaches and companions from the national teams.
The JWOC 2025 event is an event which, in addition to the world championship competitions, will be presented as a true “Orientation Festival” with a busy program of training and pre-world competitions which will involve over 1,500 participants and 20,000 total presences in the area on the days of the ‘event. Furthermore, as a side event, the prestigious 5 Days of Italy, a FISO – Italian Sports Orientation Federation event, will be held on the same competition grounds as the world championship and on the same days, which will attract athletes from all over the world.

Just over a year after the world event, the official training program comes to life in these days with the arrival in Trentino of as many as 50 students from the Swedish high school Eksjö Gymnasium, specialized in preparing children in the discipline of Orienteering and breeding ground for young and promising athletes every year.
Suffice it to say that, on the occasion of the 2024 JWOC Championships, 9 of the 12 athletes called up to the Swedish national team were trained and prepared in this high school.
During their stay, the students will thus have the opportunity to test themselves on technical routes specifically designed by the Organizing Committee in our natural environments and characterized by levels of difficulty similar to those that the athletes competing next year in the JWOC 2025 will have to face.

The direction of the JWOC 2025 Junior World Orienteering Championships and of the training activities is entrusted to the Organizing Committee, born from the will of six companies of the Trentino Orienteering Federation, in close collaboration with the Trento Tourism Company, the for Valsugana Tourism, Trentino Marketing and the support of IOF – International Orienteering Federation, FISO – Italian Sports Orientation Federation and CSI – Italian Sports Centre.
Further details on the event will be published on the official website https://www.jwoc2025.it/.

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