U17 F National Final: Magnolia Campobasso Italian Champion. Ko Geas 85-79 dts. Compliments from Pres. Petrucci – Italian Basketball Federation – U17 F National Final: Magnolia Campobasso Italian Champion. Ko Geas 85-79 dts. Compliments from Pres. Petrucci

There Magnolia Campobasso she is the 2024 Italian Under 17 women’s champion. At the Pala Maggetti in Roseto degli Abruzzi, the Molise women prevailed over theAllianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni with a score of 85-79 after extra time.

After the Under 19 national title won at the end of last March in Battipaglia in the final against Costa Masnaga, here comes the second of the season for a Campobasso team which once again demonstrates the value of its Youth Sector. Second consecutive national title in Under 17 after last year’s Tricolore in Pordenone.

Double for coach Gabriele Diotallevi with the Under 19 and Under 17 titles. With him, double success in 2024 for the players Emma Giacchetti, Marta Moscarella and Paola Mascia.

Third place goes to Limonta Costa Masnagawho in the “final” beats the comebackOrorosa Basketball Bergamo with a score of 80-83. After being behind for 36 minutes, coach Pierangelo Rossi’s girls found the strength to turn the game around by winning another medal in 2024 after the Silver in Under 19 and the Silver in Under 15 (17 consecutive medals in as many national finals contested in the three Elite women’s categories from 2017 to today). Second personal medal for coach Rossi and for Giulia Olandi, Sveva Bernasconi and Giorgia Gorini.

Congratulations go to Magnolia Campobasso FIP president Giovanni Petrucci for winning the title with congratulations to all the other finalist teams for having contributed to the excellent success of the event.

The results of the Finals
Magnolia Campobasso-Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni 85-79 dts
Ororosa Bergamo-Limonta Costa Masnaga 80-83 dts

Final ranking
1st Magnolia Campobasso – Italian Under 17 women’s champion
2nd Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni
3rd Limonta Costa Masnaga
4th Ororosa Bergamo

Best quintet of the National Under 17 women’s final:
Emma Giacchetti (Magnolia Campobasso)
Marta Moscarella (Magnolia Campobasso)
Olivia Ostoni (Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni)
Sveva Bernasconi (Limonta Costa Masnaga)
Chiara Silvia Poma (Ororosa Bergamo)

Best coach of the National Under 17 Women’s Final:
Paolo Troncato (Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni)

1st/2nd place final

Magnolia Campobasso-Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni 85-79 dts
Magnolia Campobasso needs extra time to sew the Under 17 Scudetto on their chest. The encore, after the Under 19 title, is not at all simple because up front there is a possessed Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni who for 45 minutes do not give up centimeter.
First ten minutes of Molise style but the blaze doesn’t last long. Time to regroup, and Geas begins to produce play and defense. The first lead at the start of a second quarter that ended with 25 points scored (against 11). The Ostoni/Volpato duo is leading the Rossonere, capable of putting together 29 points out of a total of 41 (17+12) at the end of the first half. For Magnolia, Moscarella was inaccurate from the line (3/7) but still within her average range (17 points after 20 minutes) while Emma Giacchetti struggled to get going despite scoring 8 points and 6 rebounds. 13 attempts each from behind the arc: 5-1 Geas. The match heats up upon returning from the changing rooms: Campobasso steps on the accelerator with a wild Moscarella: the Molise team equalizes and goes to +2 (46-48) but Geas is still there and Ostoni doesn’t stop scoring. Ten minutes from the end Lombardy was ahead by 4 (61-57). The last fraction opens with a 7-0 victory for Campobasso led by Giacchetti (5 points) which is worth the new overtaking of Magnolia (64-61). Allianz struggled in attack but patiently remained in the lead until Ostoni’s triple put everything back on par (66-66 with 4 to go). Moscarella and Magni, both three-pointers, score the new tie (69-69) with 3 left in a beautiful match. The Colombian from Magnolia and Giacchetti decide, once again, to take the lead but Ostoni is stellar and his umpteenth triple nullifies Molise’s lead. Trezzi finds the equalizer for Geas 20 seconds before the siren and Giacchetti fails to score from afar: overtime (74-74). Ostoni’s eighth triple (out of 14…) was immediately equalized by Giacchetti’s in an amazing duel, to say the least, between the two Azzurre. The fatigue is evident on both sides and the attacks are no longer so incisive. The Scudetto is decided by the two free throws (out of four) by Giacchetti and the 2/2 by Costato and Moscarella. Campobasso is also Italian Champion in the Under 17s. Only applause for a Geas that has never been tamed.

Magnolia Campobasso-Allianz Geas Sesto San Giovanni 85-79 dts (20-16, 11-25, 26-20, 17-13, 11-5)
Campobasso: Felicita, Giacchetti 30 (7/16, 3/15), Patriarca 2 (1/1, 0/1), Costato 6 (1/1, 0/4), Di Quinzio ne, Mascia 5 (1/3 , 1/1), Oddis 2, Verlingieri ne, Del Colle ne, Moscarella 38 (11/26, 3/10), Santillo, Fatica 2. All. Diotallevi
Geas: Trezzi 8 (3/5, 0/1), Scano ne, Ciaravolo ne, Scicolone ne, Minora 6 (3/9, 0/3), Bettoni 6 (1/3, 1/2), Volpato 14 ( 3/9, 2/4), Ostoni 34 (3/13, 8/16), Marinone ne, De Lise, Rovello (0/1), Magni 11 (4/5, 1/5). All. Truncated
Referees: Lorefice, Forte

Moved coach Gabriele Diotallevi: “It’s an incredible joy. The girls have grown day after day until they reached the Scudetto and this is an objective of our entire club, which I thank for its continuous support. We are happy because our goal is to let the girls play but winning is always a great result. It’s true, we have two stars, Giacchetti and Moscarella, who have talent and also great room for improvement but I want to underline how all the other girls fought from start to finish”.

As Paolo Troncatovoted best coach of the Final: “They deserved it more, and I have nothing to reproach my girls for. We knew we had to face a team with two stars and what we prepared we also managed to put into practice for large stretches but we note that doing well is sometimes not enough. There is simply someone who does it better than you. I gathered the girls and told them that there will be no Scudetto lost that could erase the wonderful journey they have been on for ten months. This will remain forever. Not today, not tomorrow, but soon they will realize that this is gold in their life”.

3rd/4th place final

Ororosa Basket Bergamo-Limonta Costa Masnaga 80-83 dts
Costa Masnaga comes from behind to win the Lombard derby against Ororosa and takes third place in the National Under 17 Women’s Final. Coach Rossi’s girls were subjected to Bergamo’s initiatives for almost the entire match but with patience they never lost the thread, managing to come back in the last quarter and putting their best foot forward in extra time.
After a balanced first quarter, Bergamo begins to fuel up, tightens the defense and runs away scoring 23 points in the second ten minutes. For Costa there are only 11 points in the second quarter and at half-time the Bergamo team’s advantage is +15 (42-27). With this starting point the match seems rather settled but Limonta still has energy and manages to stay in the match tooth and nail: this is what a third quarter of 25 points says. The gap drops below double figures at the start of the last half thanks to the inexhaustible Giulia Olandi, with Bergamo defending strongly but starting to feel tired. Bernasconi and Gorini push and in the last 3 minutes they even the score, taking advantage of the Ororosa blackout. The last siren of regulation arrives at 69-69 (Costa’s score is 17-5) and a further 5 minutes are needed to decide the match. After a lot of defense, Sanogo (12 rebounds) penetrates and gives the advantage to Costa Masnaga (70-71). From then on Costa finds the right continuity to stem the last attempts of his opponents and take home the match and the lowest step of the podium. Giulia Olandi finished with 22 points, 8 rebounds and 5 assists. Also in double figures were Giorgia Gorini (19), Sveva Bernasconi (16) and Giorgia Redaelli (11). For Bergamo, Margherita Villa recorded 22 points and 10 rebounds. Tall finished with 17 points and 9 rebounds.

Ororosa Basket Bergamo-Limonta Costa Masnaga 80-83 aet (19-16, 23-11, 22-25, 5-17, 11-14)
Basketball Bergamo: Baldi 15 (2/8, 3/5), Sabadini 2 (1/2, 0/2), Gambirasio 4 (2/4, 0/1), Poma 5 (2/7, 0/5) , Villa 22 (5/8, 4/7), Zappella 2 (1/1), Colico 11 (5/8), Sulli, Dieng 2, Guerini (0/1 from three), Piccinini, Tall 17 (7/ 14). All. Stazzonelli
Costa Masnaga: Vimercati 3 (0/3, 1/1), Bernasconi 16 (7/19, 0/1), Algeri 6 (0/1, 2/3), Redaelli 11 (4/6, 1/1) , Pedone ne, Gorini 19 (6/12, 2/8), Lelli (0/3 from three), Colombo 2 (1/2, 0/1), Quadrio, Sanogo 4 (2/6), Sartori, Olandi 22 (4/9, 1/3). Coach Rossi
Referees: Caporalini, Tadic

Thus the coach of Limonta Costa Masnaga Pierangelo Rossi: “I love my girls. I knew that we would suffer the setback after the semi-final and that we would struggle in this match. But the girls were very good at demonstrating their desire not to lose. I have to compliment Bergamo a lot because when you win after extra time it means you can also lose after extra time. They really had us on the ropes for 36 minutes. The girls were wonderful“.

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