Course of Freedom, 2 weeks for observations on the project – L’Aquila

Course of Freedom, 2 weeks for observations on the project – L’Aquila
Course of Freedom, 2 weeks for observations on the project – L’Aquila

AVEZZANO. Traders and trade associations have two weeks to formulate their observations to the Municipality on the project of the new course of Freedom finally revealed to citizens. In particular, trade associations, shopkeepers and citizens are asked to choose the type of roofing among the three solutions “designed” by the architect Giovanni Rebecchini, to which the administration has entrusted itself to change and improve the face of the road that goes from Piazza Risorgimento to Corso della Libertà. The suggestions are currently being discussed within the various committees of traders and residents in the area. Generally speaking, however, most people seem to like the project idea.
“I am against closing the road with zero investment,” she says Giuliana Di Pasquale owner of a business along Corso della Libertà and member of the centre’s traders’ committee, «but with intellectual honesty we must recognize that in this case there is a project, there is an investment, there is sharing and it was also found the solution to recover the parking spaces that will be stolen. Furthermore, the creation of a parking area at the station (with a further 180 parking spaces) will also allow us to restore care and decorum to this area thanks to supervision”. The station square, as often complained by residents and shopkeepers, has over the years become a place of bivouacs, drug dealing and other episodes of crime and violence. «Certainly the fear of leaving our “comfort zone” scares us», concludes Di Pasquale, «even if there is nothing comfortable left in the station area by now. And nothing can be worse than the current state. I am therefore in favor of the pedestrianization and redevelopment project that we are evaluating in order to formulate any proposals.”
«The project is beautiful and interesting», he adds Filiberto Figliolini of Confesercenti, which says it is «in favor of the valorisation of a road currently known only for negative episodes. In the project that was shown to us I did not detect any problems and the solution found in terms of road conditions also seems good to me (the course will be a limited traffic area with access to cars for residents and vehicles for loading and unloading goods and with gates monitored near via Valerii and via Bagnoli). Of course this is a radical change, but over time you will get used to the idea. Many companies present along the Corso who had asked for help”, concludes the Confesercenti representative, “are in favor. Naturally there are also contrary positions, but before judging it will be a good idea to try.”
The sidewalks and asphalt, but not the trees, will give way to small squares, newsstands and kiosks surrounded by furnishing elements, such as benches and bins. And a new lighting system will enhance the new level pavement reserved for pedestrians and cyclists, but with the possibility of access to residents’ cars and vehicles for loading and unloading goods. There will be cameras monitoring the gates. Only the coverage remains to be decided, choosing between three design proposals: a fixed shelter; one mobile coverage and one for a very small area.

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