Republic Day becomes a match on the Charter – News

The country celebrates seventy-eight years since the birth of the Republic. The highest officials of the State sit side by side on the Imperial Forums to watch the traditional parade. Everyone, however, between social media and official messages, gives their interpretation of the celebrations of June 2nd. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, with a post, thanks “those who, even by sacrificing their lives, have made Italy the nation it is”. President Sergio Mattarella, shortly before, sends a message to the Chief of Defense Staff. Celebrating, he writes, “recalls the values ​​of a far-sighted and wise Constitution, the fruit of the extraordinary rebirth that began with the Liberation struggle”. A few lines, with which the head of state returns to insist on two concepts that have been underlined several times in recent weeks. On the one hand, the decisive contribution of the Resistance to the rebirth of the country. On the other, the foresight of the Constitution. Which only a few days ago, the president, quoting Goria, had defined as “the Charter of the future”. Decisive words, which fall into an already heated match between the opposing political sides. At the center of the dispute, in the midst of the electoral campaign, is the clash over the Charter and the opportunity to modify it. The Democratic Party chooses this symbolic date to take to the streets in Rome, raising its voice on the reforms of the centre-right, from the Premiership to Differentiated Autonomy. And so he unleashes the wrath of the majority.

Video June 2, Meloni: ‘Peace under discussion. Let’s go back to the first idea of ​​Europe’

The Minister for Reforms Maria Elisabetta Casellati sinks: “it is horrifying to demonstrate on a day that is the symbol of a united Italy”. The center-right doesn’t fit. And he lashes out forcefully on the Roman square called by the dems. “The demonstration by the left against the Premiership is a slap in the face to the Republic”, insists the deputy secretary of Forza Italia Deborah Bergamini. The group leader in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri speaks of a “subversive choice, an offense against democracy and the head of state”. Fratelli d’Italia MEP Jacopo Fidanza speaks of the PD’s “instrumental and biased” attitude. From the square of Testaccio, the Dems sound the charge and reject the accusations coming from the majority to the sender. “This is how we celebrate the Republic, ours is a demonstration ‘for’, specifies the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein. She adds: “today it is impossible, but it is the fault of the right, to talk about the Constitution and the Republic without talking about our opposition to the dangerous reform of the premiership which weakens Parliament and the President of the Republic, undermining the balance of powers to guarantee citizens”. The intervention on Differentiated Autonomy is also harsh: “it splits the country, the principle of national unity is put at risk” The former secretary Nicola Zingaretti, from the stage, speaking about healthcare and wages, insists: “defending the Republic means defending the Constitution, we defend the Republic against the right”.

Video 2 June, Giorgia Meloni arrives at the Fori Imperiali greeted by selfies and applause

Controversy is also mounting in the territories. The mayor of Milan Beppe Sala declares his opposition to the premiership. Governor Vincenzo De Luca once again criticizes the “initiatives that want to create citizens and territories of series A and series B”. The president of the 5 Star Movement Giuseppe Conte also refers to the unity of the Republic. Which, in celebrating June 2nd, launches the appeal: “let’s defend a united Italy from those who want to divide it today”. From the Green and Left Alliance comes the “gratitude” directed to the President of the Republic for his words. “Without the struggle for liberation from fascism there would be no freedom and democracy today”, declares the leader of the Italian Left Nicola Fratoianni. Angelo Bonelli of Green Europe raises the wall: “we will defend the Constitution from the right”. “No to Meloni’s counter-reforms”, echoes the group leader in the Chamber Luana Zanella.

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