The CER “Val Montone-Val Tramazzo” Renewable Energy Community has been established between the Municipalities of Tredozio and Dovadola

The CER “Val Montone-Val Tramazzo” Renewable Energy Community has been established between the Municipalities of Tredozio and Dovadola
The CER “Val Montone-Val Tramazzo” Renewable Energy Community has been established between the Municipalities of Tredozio and Dovadola

In recent days, the “Val Montone-Val Tramazzo” Renewable Energy Community was established by agreement between the Municipalities of Tredozio and Dovadola, ACER, ASL della Romagna and IMF. The registered office has been established in the Municipality of Tredozio and the Board of Directors is made up of Messrs. Andrea Amadei (president), Milad Basir and Natacha Gentilini (councillors). The energy community project is based on the production of renewable energy to provide environmental, economic and social benefits to members, in the form of self-consumption of what is produced in terms of renewable energy, according to the dictates of the energy transition. In practice, the aim of CER is self-consumption and therefore the simultaneous use of what is produced, also thanks to the installation of new plants for generation from renewable sources.

The incentives that the CER will receive, being non-profit, will be entirely redistributed to the energy community and assigned to its members or to community services, schools, health facilities and also used to combat energy poverty, in favor of fragile subjects who struggle to cover the costs of bills. The energy community will also have the opportunity to participate in regional tenders for the construction of new photovoltaic systems, for example by taking advantage of specific funds reserved for smaller municipalities, as in the case of Tredozio and Dovadola.

The technical-administrative support of FMI was fundamental, as it provided consultancy for the establishment of the CER and for participation in the Region’s tender for the development of energy communities, thanks to which a contribution of 50 thousand euros was received to cover 90% of expenses initial forecasts, which will be added to a marginal share contributed by the two participating municipalities. In the next few weeks the process for the formal recognition of the association will be completed, after which the CER will be able to open up to producers and consumers who wish to be part of it, also carrying out feasibility studies aimed at expanding the self-production energy network.

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