Pescara is also on the field with its selection of talents

Pescara is also on the field with its selection of talents
Pescara is also on the field with its selection of talents

The month of June in Nocciano began with a splendid initiative. When sport and solidarity come together, thanks to the commitment and will of those who put the good of all before everything, the success of any event is certain. And this was the case of what happened in Nocciano on the afternoon of Saturday 1 June 2024, thanks to the organization of the municipal Avis: a friendly test between the local team and a selection of boys from the main Abruzzo football team, Pescara Calcio. The event, organized to raise awareness and invite the population to donate, featured the formation of the Asd Nocciano Calcio and the Delfino, which for the occasion fielded a mixed formation between Primavera (the main team of the D’Annunzio youth academy, in this season coached by Marco Stella) and the Under 17, one of the jewel categories of the association which has its head coach in Andrea Gessa, former glory of the club in various capacities. In the setting of a warm afternoon, the teams happily joined the spirit of fun and sharing, becoming the protagonists of a truly pyrotechnic match, which ended 2-5 in favor of the guests. Avis of Nocciano created a successful and well-attended event, which represented yet another splendid opportunity to spread its message, also written on the t-shirts distributed to those present for the occasion: “We don’t know who our donations will go to , we just know that it’s the right thing to do.”

“We experienced an extraordinary day thanks to the enthusiasm and commitment of all the participants”, the words of Marco Lattanzio, President of the Avis Association of Nocciano. “The friendly match was not only a moment of sport, but also an opportunity to raise awareness about blood donations. We hope that this day has inspired young people to consider the possibility of becoming regular blood donors. Through events like this, we want spread the message that every small gesture can make a big difference. I sincerely thank the entire Avis Nocciano group, the volunteers, the athletes and the spectators who made this event possible”

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