From the stadium to the airport: the ideas of Alessandra Zedda, candidate for mayor of Cagliari

From the stadium to the airport: the ideas of Alessandra Zedda, candidate for mayor of Cagliari
From the stadium to the airport: the ideas of Alessandra Zedda, candidate for mayor of Cagliari

There’s a lot of excitement going on Cagliari for the upcoming elections which will have to choose the new mayor of the regional capital of Sardinia. For the centre-right the application was indicated in the name of Alessandra Zedda, proposed by seven lists including Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia. Interviewed by Ilgiornale.itspoke in full terms about her ideas, underlining the importance of the new stadium, the privatization of Elmas airport and the dream of becoming the first female mayor in her homeland.

You are part of a broad centre-right coalition with Action within it.

“I liked to define it as a ‘long’ coalition because it included Action but also Democracy and Subsidiarity, People and Freedom, the real democrats as well as having the Italian Liberal Party within us”.

How did your nomination as mayoral candidate for these municipalities come about?

“It was a surprise for me too, a strong request came from the citizens who would have liked my candidacy for the regional competition. I believe that a united coalition, much desired by the local lists as well as by all the national parties, had a huge influence of the centre-right. It was a sort of unanimous immersion, we found ourselves united, cohesive and stronger: after the fall of the regionals this request arose and I couldn’t say no to my Cagliari. I stayed here for this beautiful competition with great enthusiasm and great relaunch for all the centre-right people who I defined as ‘on the move’: they fell but they got back up and they did it quickly. Now they’re running.”

Among the hot topics concerning his city is the discussion linked to the Sant’Elia stadium: what news is there for the immediate future also considering the enthusiasm for a salvation in Serie A recently obtained.

“My position on the stadium is very clear and has always been, even in the regional council I supported the financing by the Sardinia Region of 50 million, ten million for the demolition paid by the Municipality of Cagliari. The difference should be responsibility of Cagliari Calcio with its industrial partner. We, however, have proposed more: in the meantime we confirm the desire to build the stadium and build it at Sant’Elia and we have also proposed the Foundation which is made up of the Municipality of Cagliari, the Municipalities of metropolitan city, from the Sardinia Region and from the best economies of our island, Cagliari has the possibility of creating a stadium which, in addition to having our football team as its main protagonist which we hope will be able to compete not only in national but also international competitions, will become. attractive both for the redevelopment of the Sant’Elia district and the city but also a point of reference for tourism policies and investments for the Region. As you said before, having a team in Serie A is a lot but we believe a modern infrastructure capable of accommodating other tourism, integration and aggregation activities from a commercial, artisanal and productive point of view can be an added value.”

Another topic concerns the privatization of Cagliari’s Elmas airport: what can you tell us about it?

“When we talk about essential goods and services, as far as I’m concerned, the belief is that direction, governance and control must remain in public hands. The institutions that represent us must be able to be the guide. In this sense I say that management unanimous and unitary of the three airports in Sardinia must involve the local authorities including the Region. As regards Cagliari, it is an international airport because it is in the city of Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia, but it is also our gateway in this sense, all ways must be found for the Municipality of Cagliari to enter into the governance and management of its own airport”.

What will be the actions in this regard?

“One of the first actions will be to verify the implementation status of any corporate operations already underway, because Cagliari must be fully involved. We have our fundamental asset at the airport, which concerns air continuity: air transport is a of implementation of insularity: this principle must be expressed with tools, rules and results that lead us to talk about air transport tailored to island citizens at 360 degrees for all phases of our lives and all population targets”.

The homonymy with the other candidate Massimo Zedda, from the centre-left, with a somewhat poisoned electoral campaign. What happen?

“I’ll start by saying that I’m Alessandra, I’m a woman, and I’m the news. It’s the first time that the city of Cagliari can truly express a female mayor, we will write history and we write it with a friend of the Cagliaritans, a sister who he has come a long way together with his fellow citizens. Since 1994 I have been taking care of my Sardinia, my city and my fellow citizens and I intend to continue doing so specifically now for Cagliari and beyond. It is also a metropolitan city and they will also be involved the other municipalities that revolve around. I have to express a dream, I would really like to be defined as the first female mayor of all of Sardinia”.

What do you feel like adding?

“I express a concept: I look ahead, we reopen the city: it is in difficulty because there are many infrastructural works, we reopen the dialogue with fellow citizens, neighborhoods, mobility, the

culture and sport, productive activities but above all let’s reopen the future which is social inclusiveness, must involve all segments of the population and must translate into the Cagliaritan identity for well-being and progress”.

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