“Ready to defend the Aosta Valley in Europe” – Valledaostaglocal.it

Three objectives to achieve and a political commitment to make: representing the Aosta Valley in Europe.

Marco Reguzzoni, president of the “I Repubblicani” Association and independent candidate on the Forza Italia lists in the European Elections, relaunches its collaboration pact with a territory that deserves to be defended and valorised also in Brussels and Strasbourg. And he does so by writing an open letter to the members of Union Valdôtaine and “to all the autonomist and federalist Aosta Valley people”.

«The objectives to be achieved – explains Reguzzoni – are the creation and strengthening of infrastructures, the protection of craftsmanship and typical food products and the allocation of resources for the Municipalities”.

His is a concrete attempt not to leave the region out of the decision-making tables.

«For the next elections, Union Valdôtaine has not expressed its own candidate, so I offer my availability to be a point of reference for the interests and needs of the Aosta Valley».

In recent weeks Reguzzoni he has been to the region several times to collect proposals and requests. However, his is not an electoral appearance, «because I have a house in Torgnon and I have been frequenting the region since I was born, with great satisfaction and love for our mountains».

The pact of these days will also have great political significance: «I wish to start a collaboration that continues even after the elections», with the spirit of «a fundamentalist federalist who had autonomists such as Gianfranco Miglio and Bruno Salvadori as a point of reference», therefore placing myself towards Union Valdôtaine «with the aim of working united with a federal future.”

The Forza Italia candidate thus concludes his reasoning: «I am aware, since I follow Aosta Valley politics, that UV has legitimately decided not to take sides in these European elections, therefore mine is an appeal that is addressed to the members who will vote anyway, to all the municipal administrators and to the voters who they have federalism and the Aosta Valley in their hearts.”

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