Corigliano-Rossano administrative offices. Straface endorses Confagricoltura’s requests

Corigliano-Rossano administrative offices. Straface endorses Confagricoltura’s requests
Corigliano-Rossano administrative offices. Straface endorses Confagricoltura’s requests

Organize a national event in Corigliano-Rossano that can become a southern point of reference for the entire fruit and vegetable and citrus fruit sector, especially for the new perspectives deriving from mechanization, research and innovation.
This is one of the various projects that emerged in the well-attended meeting held yesterday (Friday 31st) with the many agricultural entrepreneurs and Confagricoltura members together with the provincial president Paola Granata during which Pasqualina Straface made the various shared requests and the many proposals put forward her own .
From the need for greater security in rural areas with video surveillance to the monitoring of illegal landfills in the countryside and the abandonment of food waste which fuels the presence of wild boars, for example, a phenomenon that has become a scourge for many companies; from greater prevention of fires with the cleaning of ditches and roadsides to the management of water shortages, the cleaning of stream beds and the de-bureaucratization of concessions for wells.
There was also talk of fiber and how technological innovation can encourage more competitive development in rural areas and the many agricultural companies in the city area; of authentic, quality local productions such as clementines and the need to make them more recognizable on an international scale.
The great challenge – it was reiterated – remains that of transformation which is the real gap to be filled, which remains the true added value of our agricultural economy which is currently unexpressed and which will be one of our government priorities. The products of this area must walk hand in hand with the promotion of our territories and our identity heritage.
This – concluded Pasqualina Straface in her speech – is the strategic government vision of agricultural, social, tourist and economic development that the centre-right coalition wants to carry forward. This is the new Corigliano-Rossano that is productive, ambitious, proud and rolls up its sleeves every day towards the future, the one we want to build together with all the socio-economic actors and together with the whole community. – (SOURCE: COALITION FOR PASQUALINA STRAFACE MAYOR).

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