“Casa Rotary Vanessa” was born in Treviso for women victims of violence and their children

The second shelter promoted by the network formed by the Maurocordato Foundation, Rotary club and Anti-violence Center – Telefono Rosa and dedicated to the memory of Vanessa Ballan, killed by one of her exes last December, was presented on 31 May in Treviso. Brother Nicola: “My sister will be a guide in this safe place for all women who need help.” “No one should be experiencing what we are experiencing,” he adds. Hence an appeal: “Let us recover our humanity”. Bishop Tomasi expresses the hope that the project “can be an example for other realities and territories, in networking and taking care of life, taking those who suffer by the hand”

Photo diocese Treviso/SIR

A safe haven for women victims of violence and their children. A place where you can feel welcomed, protected, where you can start again, finding the strength to rebuild your own project, realize yourself and become autonomous, overcoming the sense of loneliness thanks to a path of help and accompaniment. The initiative, presented on May 31st in the Bishopric of Treviso, in the presence of the bishop Michele Tomasiis promoted by Opera Pia Maurocordato Foundation, Rotary clubs Treviso Terraglio And Telefono Rosa anti-violence centre. It’s about “Casa Rotary Vanessa: No to gender violence”; a renovated and furnished apartment, with two bedrooms, where it is possible to temporarily host women who need it, possibly also with their children. A place of safety and hope dedicated to the memory of Vanessa Ballan, the young woman killed by an ex of hers in Riese Pio And Vanessa’s family, her partner, her parents and her brother agreed to give her name to the house, they wanted to know about the project and participate in the presentation.

I work online. It is not the first time that Rotary, the Maurocordato Foundation and Telefono Rosa work together: just over a year ago the first “Rotary House” was presented, at the time the only transition structure in the entire province, made available, like the one presented today by the Maurocordato Foundation, strongly involved in the social field through collaboration with parishes and municipal social services. The two houses will be managed by the Anti-Violence Centre, which evaluates access through pre-established protocols and accompanies the victims, also offering psychological and legal support. The Treviso Terraglio Rotary, thanks also to the contributions of the other clubs in the Rotary network, financially supports the project by also taking on the financing of training courses and independence paths for the women hosted. Since April 2023, when the project began, seven women have been hosted in the first house, for the agreed maximum period of six months each. All of them managed to take action, both for work and to find stable housing.

Photo diocese Treviso/SIR

The bishop speaks of “a beautiful and concrete project of life and hope for the future”, which “will help to break the wall of silence that sometimes surrounds many situations of violence and oppression”. Michele Tomasi. Hence the hope that

“may it be an example for other realities and territories, in networking and taking care of life, taking those who suffer by the hand.

And I want to hope – concludes the prelate – that the dedication to Vanessa can contribute to a more widespread and decisive culture of respect, against all forms of violence towards women, as well as being a sign of consolation for her loved ones, in memory of a daughter, a sister, a partner, a mother who lives in their love and in the eternal love of God”.

“Violence against women is fought through culture and prevention, but also by providing services and referrals to those in a moment of need”underlines the mayor Mario Conte. “Our intention is to replicate this initiative in the coming years, in other municipalities in the Treviso area” for

“create a widespread reception system” that can represent “a safe point of reference for victims of gender violence”,

explains the president of the Rotary club Treviso Terraglio, Riccardo Piazza.

“The Maurocordato Foundation – declares the president Sergio Criveller – after only a year he makes another apartment available” because “words of solidarity are important, concrete gestures even more so. Casa Rotary Vanessa is the concrete response to a real emergency”. The anti-violence center, assures the president Maria Stella Di Bartolo, “has put, and will also put, its commitment to Casa Vanessa constantly monitor the women’s stay, offering themselves as an attentive and present travel companionthrough psychological and social support, encouraging them to take action to consolidate their working position, providing them with the most useful and effective tools for building a better life alternative for themselves and their children”.

Photo diocese Treviso/SIR

“It amazed us, as a family, that people we didn’t know thought of us and Vanessa,” reveals his brother Nicola Ballan. “In a certain sense, they took care of us and the memory of her, fueling hope and help for others. This is why we have agreed to have this house named after Vanessa. There are many girls and women who need help and I am sure that my sister will be a guide in this safe place, designed and created for them and their children.” “What we are experiencing – underlines the brother of the young woman killed – no one should experience, it should not exist”. Hence an appeal: “Let us recover our humanity and make an effort to recognize when something is wrong. Let’s all do what we can, let’s rediscover the beauty of simple things, the ability to recognize both our own fragilities and the strong need for the love of others, for love for others. Asking for help is not weakness, ever. We communicate, we always communicate. And – he concludes –

let’s remember that kindness is the matrix of happiness.”

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