Saturday 1 June: class 1C of the Liceo Scientifico “M. Grigoletti” welcomed by the Prefect, Natalino Mann / Pordenone / Weekly of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone

Saturday 1 June: class 1C of the Liceo Scientifico “M. Grigoletti” welcomed by the Prefect, Natalino Mann / Pordenone / Weekly of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone
Saturday 1 June: class 1C of the Liceo Scientifico “M. Grigoletti” welcomed by the Prefect, Natalino Mann / Pordenone / Weekly of the Diocese of Concordia-Pordenone

Objective: to attend the photographic exhibition entitled “how we were…”, set up at this UTG Prefecture, organized by the CRAF of Spilimbergo, in collaboration with the Municipality of the same city.

On the morning of Saturday 1 June the 1C class of the Liceo Scientifico “M. Grigoletti” was welcomed by the Prefect, Natalino Manno, to attend the photographic exhibition entitled “how we were…”, set up at this UTG Prefecture, organized by the CRAF of Spilimbergo, in collaboration with the Municipality of the same city.

In illustrating the photographic exhibition to the children, the representative of the Government in the area explained the role of the Prefect and the functions, retracing, through the photographs on display, the phases of the history of the Republic, with a reference to the values ​​of our Constitutional Charter.

On this occasion, the Prefect invited them to be active and responsible citizens to concretely participate in the life of the community, making the principles of cohesion, solidarity, equality and justice enshrined in the Constitution current and alive with their actions.

The exhibition, created within the framework of the initiatives planned for the celebration of the Anniversary of the Italian Republic, inaugurated on 29 May, will remain open to the public until 16 June 2024 with the following times: Monday to Friday from 4.00 pm to 6.00 pm, on Saturday and on Sundays from 10.30 to 12.30 and from 16.00 to 18.00.

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