the controversy does not die down

FIUMICINO – The arrival of the Ferris wheel in Fiumicino sparked controversy, which continues in recent days even while the installation work is underway: “This morning I noticed that they are assembling the Ferris wheel announced in recent days in the Darsena of Fiumicino by the current municipal administration. The declared objective is to attract tourists. Nothing against it, but it would be interesting to understand what Baccini and his team mean for the relaunch of tourist and cultural attractiveness in the area”, these are the words of the regional councilor Michela Califano, who adds: “Because, in my opinion, from this point of view compared to the past we have lost a lot of ground. Over the years, Fiumicino had become the cradle of culture: a 360° culture, which spoke of our territorial peculiarities but also of our history. We will see what the Baccini Administration’s proposal will be for this summer.”

Califano also complains about the decrease in parking, which with the positioning of the Ferris wheel will not be able to be used: «At the same time as the Ferris wheel I also noticed that paid parking is starting in Fiumicino – continues the Councilor -. Here too there is nothing against it, but the law requires that there is an adequate number of free parking spaces next to them. Now if we install the Ferris wheel in Darsena, how many free parking spaces will we lose? Where does the Municipality of Fiumicino plan to restore these car parks? On the Municipality’s website there is no document for the revaluation of the parking plan, I believe that the question has not really been raised. And how did they choose the company that will assemble the wheel? Was there public evidence? A race? There is nothing about this on the institutional website either – he concludes – In the next few weeks someone will have to officially answer our questions”.

The Administration’s response on the issue was not long in coming: «A representative of the institutions should know the procedures that are adopted to follow up on the request relating to the choice of the company that is installing the Ferris wheel. – declares the President of the City Council, Roberto Severini in response to the statement released by the Regional Councilor Michela Califano which focuses on the Ferris wheel which will liven up the 2024 summer of Fiumicino and which, in the next few days, will be completed installation in the dock. – If the statement already released by the Poggio E Biselli councilors was not enough (read here), I underline that there was no type of choice but a proposal from the requesting company with payment for public land at its expense; an income for the municipal coffers with zero expenditure”.

I also remember that in the administrative history of this Municipality, there has never been public evidence to install traveling attractions. – continues Severini -. In one year of Baccini’s administration we have promoted activities within schools and squares and, last but not least, we have opened the doors of the council chamber, until now a place dedicated exclusively to political debate, and to numerous cultural and discussion initiatives dedicated to citizens . We are for democratic participation and we believe that the diffusion of culture should not be exploited by politics.”

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