Marsala, Oriana’s family: “No help from the Italian embassy”

“We categorically deny what has been reported in various newspapers: we have had no support from the Italian embassy.” The family members of Oriana Bertolino, the 31-year-old girl who died in a dramatic accident on the cliffs of Gozo, Malta, have contacted the editorial staff of TP24 to reconstruct what happened.

“When Oriana was abroad she often called home. And her last phone call was at 7.30pm on Saturday: she had informed her mother that she was going for an excursion at sunset. Then nothing more.” On Saturday evening, the nightmare begins for Oriana’s family: “She never called again. We immediately became worried, because it wasn’t like her not to give news, but we didn’t know who to call, and her phone was unreachable. In the end we We managed to speak to the Malta police, who confirmed to us that there had been a serious accident in Gozo, but then nothing more.” The vicissitudes continued until the family members received the tragic confirmation of the fatal accident in Gozo, with the victim “a woman, without telephone and without document”. When they asked for help, they were told that the police officer in charge of the case was unavailable until 10:30 on Sunday. Only yesterday, mid-morning, were they able to get more information.

“In all of this – they say – unfortunately the Italian embassy was of no help to us.” Now the most difficult journey begins for Oriana Bertolino’s mother. He will have to reach Malta, and then Gozo, to recognize his daughter’s body, awaiting the autopsy, which will not be held immediately: Gozo has a very small hospital, and we will probably have to wait for half the week. Then, as soon as the magistrate gives the OK, Oriana’s last trip to Italy and Marsala can be organized.

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