At Lido di Latina, nourishment starts in the middle of summer, which is the concern of the operators

At Lido di Latina, nourishment starts in the middle of summer, which is the concern of the operators
At Lido di Latina, nourishment starts in the middle of summer, which is the concern of the operators


The procedures for the soft nourishment of the stretch of Latina coast near the State Police establishments and the Lido Nausicaa, devastated by the latest storms this winter, are underway. Operations that will take place – now – once the bathing season has begun, given that the establishments will be open from today.

The municipal council yesterday approved the definitive project of the nourishment works financed by the Region with 200 thousand euros. An intervention that involves the collection of approximately 22-25 thousand cubic meters of sand off the coast, to be redistributed in the eroded section.

«The resolution – explains the municipal councilor for the Environment Franco Addonizio – is the last step in a complex bureaucratic process. The intervention is part of the broader “General program for the defense and reconstruction of the coasts” established by the Region, and we are awaiting the opinion of the Environmental Impact Assessment for the more extensive coastal protection project, worth 6.5 million EUR”.

«The project – adds the Marina councilor Gianluca Di Cocco – will allow on the one hand an initial safeguard intervention and on the other to improve the quality of bathing services. The hope is that from now on there will be greater attention for this area by all interested parties.”

However, the intervention arrives in June, i.e. at the height of the bathing season, and is operational from today as it is the first.

According to councilor Addonizio, in fact, «the technical offices have already put the search for companies on the Mepa (electronic market of public administration, ed.) and, since it is an amount below the threshold, it will be a simplified negotiation: the works are therefore expected within 7 days, 10 at most.”

The duration of the operations itself should not exceed another 7-10 days, so the beach, in that stretch, could be ready around 15-20 June. «It is a sign that nourishment must now become an organic operation to be done every year, otherwise it is useless». Furthermore, “some factory owners have said they are ready to do small repairs in front of their concessions.” “It couldn’t be done before, due to bureaucratic times – adds Di Cocco – just to characterize the sands will take two months.” Di Cocco also adds that “bathrooms, showers and walkways have already been installed and the extraordinary cleaning of the beach will start from tomorrow”. However, the maintenance of the walkways takes a long time: «The project was signed today (yesterday, ed.) by the manager: the work will be done, even if with a delay».

The most destroyed section is that relating to the State Police establishments (under demolition and reconstruction) and the Lido di Nausicaa, devastated by the sea storms. «I’m waiting for some sand – says the owner of Nausicaa, Andrea Calvani – if it arrives, I can put in the infirmary, which is a must, but I won’t be able to put in a kiosk and tables. I will rent umbrellas and deckchairs. Before I also had 130 umbrellas, now I don’t know how many I will be able to put up.”

Meanwhile, last night, in the Cesarini area, the traffic and parking ordinance arrived, valid from 1 June to 15 September: the entire seafront, from Rio Martino to Valmontorio, will be “zone 30”; from via Massaro on the Foce Verde road it will be mandatory to stop and give way; Furthermore, from today paid parking applies where indicated, and various bans have been established.


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